this is the map shipment from cod4. I dont have It exactly right becasse foundry is to small for an indoor shipment. guns are scatterd all around the map. you can download the map and gametype, teamdeathmatch here.4-10 players. Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ScreenShots
do you know how many people have made this map? it looks like one of the best ones but its originality is very low
Try to avoid the Double posting. Anyways, it seems too large for Shipment. It needs tighter areas to walk through. Not anything Claustrophobic, but the gaps seem too big.
dude, i played this map before it was posted- and now its posted, awesome haha- its a good copy of shipment really fun with shotty snipes
now that monkey brings it up i think shotty snipes would be a lot of fun pretty good remake, seems really fun with enough people.
im sorry but i beleive you stole this map. ive seen a video of this map and it says that someone else made it. excuse me if im wrong
Hey not trying to be rude or anything but if you are going to accuse someone of stealing a map then you should at least post a link to the alleged video that you saw. Other than that it looks like a good remake however I agree originality is low with this map
try to make one at avalanche and it will look a lot more like shipment and also, i havent seen 1 at avalanche yet....