Crusade is a map when the spartans are going into their first battle. There are weapons scatterd around the map and is asymmetrical. the reccomended ammout of players is six. Crusade : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ScreenShots
Your screenshots are not working, save them then upload them up to imageshack or Then copy the IMG bar underneath each picture. Get it right.
go to bungie and download your pics by clicking on them in the veiwer then upload to photobucket and copy the img tag into your post use the preivew button to check they work nevermind but you will need more than 2 pics 6 or 7 is best
There you go. The pics are working. But the map is very plain. It's really open. You should close it off, interlock, and put some frosting onto your cake, like add more passage ways, spice up the middle area, ect. PS you did another thing wrong, you double posted. Don't do that.
Looks aright outside is still very wide open and couldved used interlocking the whole time to make very clean and nice and neaty. Add more cover or building on outside and itll look better and nicer =]
Fill in the space around that middle piece to make it less open and just tidy it up a bit. I like it though. Good job.
dont ask for rep map looks bland, but not bad. more screens would help to give a better idea of what it's like. doesn't look like anything new, sorry to say.
I really don't know anything about the map from your post. There's no information, and only two pictures (which barely show anything). From what I can see, there's one center structure, something along the back wall, and that's it. I don't know anything about weapons or the rest of the map. You have to explain things a bit more than that before you get useful feedback and more downloads. Also, don't double post, post useless things (yay, for example), or beg for rep. When you ask for people to give you rep, it will always be negative rep that is added. And it makes you look pathetic.
Reminds me of the original foundry, which I am not really into. Looks like a good map but i don't like that type of style.