This Is a good map for throwing down your slayer skills but I have also set it up for crazy King and Odd ball if thats what your into. It contains to bases on either side of the map. The bases are both different but the weapons are set up equaly this map has been tested for all the gametypes I have listed . I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoyed Making it. the link is at the bottom. Here Are Some Screenshots, DOWNLOADHERE! Enjoy! The Map! Made By IM BE DUM With help from outlaw620
there seems to be alot of open space and it seems easy to die with that empty space. ill dl and try it. next please dont rate your own map 5 stars let the community decide.
As said before me there seems to be a lot of open space. I don't know if that's what you wanted but it seems it bit to open for my liking. Anyways I'll try it out and tell you what I think about the game play.
I give the map... a 3.5/5. You do have some nice interlocking, but it looks a bit open and plain. Though it's DL and I'll see if I like it as a good playable map.
Looks fun and very well made its just that the map is really open to attack or kill people. More pics would help me decide if this map rating.
It looks alright as it is but as you may hear many times later in your forging career your going to have to use interlocking and geomerging effectively to earn the hearts of many people on Forgehub. As I said before your map is fine now but a little interlocking and geomerging can add that extra three-dimensionality (totally a word) to raise it from "fine" to truly good. The interlocking you are using now is good but basic and more practice will open up a whole other realm of map-making, including odd angles and semi-round edges and multi-level structures that aren't all one wall length high.