MLG Distan v2.4

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by tw khaotik, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    MLG Distan v2.4
    Created by TW Khaotik

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer and Team Slayer

    Map Description
    Symmetrical MLG-style competitive map. Rockets, sniper, and mauler are the power weapons, all of which are balanced between both teams equally. Not as much interlocking as everyone might like and it definitely isn't as neat as it could be, but it is my first map and all i would like is some constructive criticism. Sorry for not changing the UI in the pics, hopefully it won't hurt







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    #1 tw khaotik, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  2. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    need to put pics on dude
  3. WyntersByte

    WyntersByte Ancient
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    As Cam0Flaug stated, you must embed all your pics and they need to be here.

    You should also put a description. Telling us its an MLG map doesn't really explain much. Try to explain what look and feel and gameplay you were going for so that people can tell if they would be interested.

    If you do not understand anything I have said here please follow this link to find map posting instructions and suggestions.

    How to post a Map
  4. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    If everyone just posted a link to their map, this would not be forge hub, it would be the community maps section of There's no description, and no pictures. Please fix your post and try to be more considerate next time. Go here for a map posting template, sheesh

    Edit: Thankyou for fixing your post (most people don't). Overall the map looks good with minor mistakes and sloppiness (ex. the double boxes not being interlocked and bridges not being merged upside down) but hey, it's your first posted map. I like the overall layout although some structures could have been made more complex with merging and more interlocking. Read forging 101 for more techniques of forging.
    #4 ZANDER1994, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  5. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    now that your pictures work it doesnt seem to bad. there is still a lot of open space on the sides though. next time try not to take you pics in forge mode they look bad.
  6. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    yea :(. i know but i realized that a lil too late
  7. sickandstoked

    sickandstoked Ancient
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    It looks pretty good but it does seem a little open but this map has potential. My advice is to make a v2 touching up on some things and filling in that empty space. Just make it more pleasing o the eye.
  8. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll go back and touch it up a bit but the reason there is open on the sides is because remeber this is team and there is a divider between the open spaces on the sides. Meaning, the open space isn't really an area of threat. I agree there could definitely be more cover overall and i'll have to work on that. I have a few others in the making so i might abandon this one and start anew because i make better maps now.
  9. ActTehKiLL

    ActTehKiLL Ancient
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    Very Well made looks fun to play FFA not CTF though Couldve used alot of interlocking and Merging here though AWESOME THOUGH.
  10. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
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    Thanks, for my second verision (if i make one) I'll try to make a lil more compatable with different obj games. I might work for CTF or BOMB because of the symmetry, im jus not sure yet.
  11. Jump4h

    Jump4h Ancient
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    its better to take pics from the theater/not forge. the observer hud is distracting
    other than that it's a pretty empty/underwhelming map. not terrible, but it definately could improve. try taking advantage of interlocking to create unique and navigable structures.
  12. tw khaotik

    tw khaotik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yep. I made the mistake with the pics, my bad and know i'll learn from my mistakes. Also i know it may look very open but when you play it, it isn't as open and you aren't as vulnerable as you think. This is more of a one level mao and the 2nd level is very minimal so it's really not as bad as you think. But yes, i definitely could have more cover in there

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