Description: Kamikaze is a small symetric (minor differences in the base design) map designed for MLG. It can be played with all MLG rules (Crazy king, team slayer, MultiCTF) It has few weapons, so you mainly have to rely on yourself. Part of the map is blocked off. I tested it, its almost as break-out proof as a griffball court. Weapons: - 2 snipers (1 near each base) - 2 Battle Rifles - 2 plasma pistols - 2-6 Mauler (cant remember how many I put down) - 4 Frag grenades - 4 Plasma grenades Birds eye view of level Overshields and camo cannot be picked up (aesthetics) Red base Blue base Another birds eye view + rocket spawn One of the sniper spawn Download: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Umm I thought that MLG maps are supposed to be symtrical. (I could be wrong though, im not a big fan.) Doesn't look like it from the screens.
This map is very clean and original! Those bridges on the last pic are so orderly, I wonder how long it took to make this map! 5/5
I do like how the map is very neat and well interlocked but something about it just gives me a bad impression. Don't get me wrong I like it, but somethings missing. Good job though. DOWNLOADED
Looks great and all nice interlocking and yea but very wide open in the middle and near bases. And seems its really easy to score cuz the flag spawn is really open.
Interesting start I say "start" because I believe this map can be great with some proper work. Your bases seem unique and cool, but if it's MLG, then they should be identical. how do you get on the bases without walking up the catwalk/sniper spawn or spawning on top of them? I typically add stairs or dumpsters to aid people that want to get up on something that is at "single box" height. It's not necessarily sloppy, there is some good interlocking. I just think there should be more impressive structuring at this point. 3/5 now, but possibly could get 4 or 5 of 5.
This looks sloppy in some places, but very veryneat in others. The layout is very unique and I like the things with the stairs. It is too open in some places and I am worried about spawn campers. But I can mess with that if I need too.