I myself love my puppy so I decided to make a thread where we can all show are pets. It doesn't matter what type of pet you have just try not to get too off topic in this thread when posting. I have a Maltese.
Look at my avatar! lol I've had that dog for almost 8 years, and he still looks like a puppy. His name is Jimbo. It's a black tuxedo pekingese and they're not the most common color for a pekingese but in my opinion look the best. Oh, my username is Jimbodawg for nearly everything, and when it was taken on XBL, I gots the sad face. I'll get some new pics soon, he recently got a haircut. =D
Expect pictures of my dwarf hamster forthwith. Yes, I have one...about the only pet I can get away with having... What is that in the OP, a cat or a dog? I'm hoping it's a dog...
i have some cute ones of my dog Taquito, but low and behold, this is edgar's computer and not mine. so they aren't on here :/ oh but wait...PHOTOBUCKET :]] And then i had these two for a while, but Johnny Blue (pit bull) we had to give away cause my grandma was "scared" but he was such a sweetheart :'( k thats all :] i love animals
Blue pits are AWESOME... the one you had is really rare because its kinda hard to find one with a full one-color coat like that... anywho, my aunt and uncle had 2 blue pits...both were very playful and never barked, never attacked...nothing like the stereotype my grandmother believes in...
My cat recently died (I say recently, I mean 4 months), and I should be getting a doog soon. Prefferably a Golden Retriever, but I'll have to see. I'll post pictures when/if I get one.