Hey guys, I'm new, but i forge a lot. Revolution v1.3, Made for MLG gametypes. Description:Revolution v1.3 is a symetrical map made specificaly madefor MLG gametypes including KOTH, FFA, TEAM SLAYER, CTF, and ODDBALL. This map has been beta tested and alpha tested and concluded to be even, and impossible to get out of the map. It is a spiritual reincarnation of MLG Ons v4. With a complete custom middle of the map creation, added and subtracted on the bases, added to A and B towers two. Made for 4-14 players. weapons on map mauler sniper rifle battle rifle carbine plasma pistol plasma and frag grenade PICS Blue Base Red Base A Tower B Tower Center Creation Veiw 1 (semectricle) Center Creation Veiw 2 (semectricle) ((side of it)) That is all the screenshots for Revolution v1.3 Please rate and leave comments!!!! ENJOY!!!!!!!!!! ~Echo SQ Leader
Pics aren't working. Did you upload them from Photobucket or Imageshack (if not then you should)? And all the underlining is rather unnecessary. EDIT: I guess you guys beat me to it...
Well, tell us how you tried to upload the pics, then we'll help you. Can't fix the problem w/o knowing what the problem is.
Just in vase the pictures dont work here is what you do: 1. take some pictures in theter mode 2. find them on bungie.net 3. save them to your computer 4. upload them to photobucket 5. copy the "direct link" 6. go to your post and click the insert image button 7. paste the "direct link -make sure you cleared the box before pasting so there is only one http// -if only one picture works then press preview post and repeat the process
in the meanwhile, since i cant get pics up, i try my best to get them up and in the link, there are pictures there