Hmm.... *puts a shotgun on the obvious high-area camping spot on last resort* There we go. *goes over to main building, puts sniper rifle in the place with the power drain* Now. *goes over to place with splazer, drops brute shot*
I voted for "I rock, all of the above". Nobody else is going to stroke my ego, I have to do it myself. Woo I rock.
Seriously though, I'm not sure which one to pick. I come up with lots of ideas but any I deem "unworthy" I consider a waste of time. When I come up with a good one it usually takes a while to actually get started. Once I start however, I just keep on going. I would pick weapon placement but honestly if you take your time and consider camping and being overpowered, anyone can do good weapon placement.
Right now it's just ideas for me unfortunately, I still have a long way to go on everything else, though. BTW, why are all of the emoticons squirrels.
I rock, all of the above! And now, new places to go, I've got to leave, it's time for a show. Here I am, rock you like a hurricane. Here I am, rock you like a hurricane.
I'm mediocre at all, it's just that I find forging fun, really unique/creative/good maps inspire me, and I love to see people will do with Forge. Thats why I just hang around the general forge discussion forum here and don't post any maps or whatever. xD
I has ideas!... :squirrel_chatting: But I can't always makes: :squirrel_eyebrow: Why won't that go there? :squirrel_wtf: WTF? Why did I dlete the obect I'm not holding? :squirrel_rant: Why won't this work, dammit! :squirrel_nono: Screw it, it's ruined. :squirrel_chatting: Go to Forge Hub now.
map ideas atm. trying to get to the "i rock--all of the above" choice, but to be truthful im not even close. haha.
Most definently layout. With this upcoming map that will be released on this Saturday, then I will prove myself worthy.
Ideas and Scenery. I love the ability to make just about anything i please in beautiful HD graphics. Being a freelance mechanical engineer helps out a bit as well...
ROTFLMAO You soooo make me wish I had some Scorpions on my ipod right now... I'd have to say that I'm best at it completely pissing off my wife because I spend too much time in Forge. That should have been an option on the poll. Other than that, I'd have to say I'm good at design and making a map repeatedly playable, at least for the regulars I play with. I'm working on a rather pretty one at the moment...