
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Aranore, May 17, 2008.

  1. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    Foundation created by:Ro P Pimpman
    ***Download out of commision for now.,,***
    Cover and Go!, created by Ro P Pimpman, is an amazing map as a foundation, and I Have taken his layout and modified it into "Aptunosis". I take no credit in the originality of this map at all, only that I made something more functional because I couldn't explain how to do it.

    The map is a small 5x6 Double box layout,six (6) are flipped, with three (3) Corner Walls, six (6) Walls, two (2) Doors, five (5) Shield Walls, and three (3) Single Open Boxes merged with the floor to provide cover. These objects are at the perfect height so that one can glimpse over it and see other players, but may only shoot at them if they jump. Couching will completely conceal and cover you, and no crouching is needed to run under the boxes. The map is split in half with Yellow (Side/Base A) on one side and Red (Side/Base B) on the other by a 2x2 Fence Wall, with a shield wall to allow sight to the other side only.

    Red Base
    Yellow Base
    Different Angle of Yellow
    Different Angle of Red


    On team game types, Attackers belong to The red Base, while Defenders belong to the Yellow Base. Players spawn inside a room with one (1) Sender Node and a Two-way Node to choose from. The Two-way will send them to there objective room, while the Sender will bring them out one of two Receivers [located above or beside the playing field].


    The Receiver Node above with the side node in the background (Fence boxes with soccer ball are a nice roof Decoration)

    Q: Why!?
    A: During assault, capture the flag, etc; If your base is being attacked and there are 4 players inside, running right in will result in death. Theses teleporters provide a way around campers and battles. Sheild Doors have been placed over the entrance to the objective rooms to prevent people Grenade killing those inside. Also, if the heat inside gets to fierce and you choose to flee, you may take either the Two-way back into the spawning room, or another sender out to the same receivers. The receivers on each side are the same warp channel as those above for each respective side, so people cannot predict where they are running to. The return points for assault or CTF are the Small starting rooms.

    3 of the flipped double boxes have been suppressed into the floor, giving a trench like feel. This is on the attackers side, and is in place specifically to slow them down.

    Defenders are given a Shotgun, a SMG, a Spiker, a Sniper, Plasmas and Spike grenades. Attackers are given the same layout, but a Mauler replaces the Shotgun. A Brute shot, Active Camo, and Deployable cover are found in the middle. The power weapons are set to not spawn at startup, have 90s + respawn times, and single clips. The Sniper rifle is located in the corner with a corner wall for cover, however a fusion coil inside the corner combined with another coil that drops from above every 45 seconds prevents snipe camping. The Camo comes every 120 seconds, does not spawn at start, and the Cover spawns at start with 60 second respawn.

    One of the snipers

    In none-team based games, hills, territories, ball spawns, and spawning areas are properly placed. No spawn camping is possible.



    Red Tries to keep the Central Territory, but Blue has support coming from the right.
    Red Tries to defend their flag, but to no avail
    Blue defends his Spot, while Red drops in from above...
    Blue's efforts to protect their land is out numbered...out matched....out gunned
    Blue succesfully sneaks into Red's base by means of Active Camo and Shotgun, and takes the Flag
    Blue avoids Red's grenade near the fusion coil and advances in for the kill, backed up by support, which is seeking cover from a window panel


    This Map supports All game types.

    Also, everyone always worries about how easily one can spawn kill on maps. Well, to further emphasize my point that it cannot happen on this map easily, I have these three Photos. Spawning areas are set in every game type for every situation. The map has been removed, and only the spawn points are left. Hopefully you get a picture as to how battle would be like here, and how one cannot easily predict where you will spawn.

    These photos do not include the 12 points found in the Back Rooms.

    Spawn points
    Final angle


    Again, I, o Aranore o, only severely changed this map, and the original thought process does not belong to me. I have been told however to post this map, as those who have played it feel it should be shared.

    Any comments, feedback, or questions / yells are greatly appreciated. I again Thank Ro P Pimpman for his amazing layout.

    Aranore, modifier.


    ***Download out of commision for now.,,***

    #1 Aranore, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  2. brendanxboy

    brendanxboy Ancient
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    YOU HAVE MY DOWNLOAD!i like the looks of this.and i like the no spawn camping thing.
  3. KingXSheep

    KingXSheep Ancient
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    This looks like a very good map. Nice job.
  4. Tex

    Tex Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this doesn't look too bad, i like the interlocking of this pic


    though, i must say, teleporters lead to teleporter camping, as well as shield doors, not a fan of those, also, if i may suggest, try interlocking ur floor, "master chief doesn't like stubbing his toes" - forgot who said this once...but ya...

    also, u may want to edit ur title to just the map name, it is part of the rules here, makes things cleaner...
    #4 Tex, May 17, 2008
    Last edited: May 17, 2008
  5. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    looks pretty good, but I highly reccommend that you interlock those double boxes
  6. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
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    great job of interlocking and I like the way you put the bunkers so low,nice touch
    but I may have to get rid of the whole spawn room
    I personally don't like a spawn room
  7. rynplng

    rynplng Ancient
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    looks fun
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
    Senior Member

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    top of the map looks a tad bumpy, flip the doubleboxes over when you place them on the ground.
  9. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    The Rooms have starting points, with 6 spawn points. out of the 76 in the level. Don't worry. and for teleporters. Multiple one's with same channels equal random exits. Try and you'll see.

    Edits are up. Spawn point photos for.. an idea

    And thank you but just for the record, the spawning rooms simply have a starting point. Like in the bases in Valhala. It's where you will start, but you will not always spawn inside them.

    Noted a huge error in spawning....

    need to fix. DL will be back up when it's fixed.
    #9 Aranore, May 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2008
  10. Thom Barbarossa

    Thom Barbarossa Ancient
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    cool nice interlocking but kinda blank think about a v.2 with like some buldings at the ends
  11. Esquisofrenic

    Esquisofrenic Ancient
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    looks very nice, i downloading, but i think im gonna make the floors a little cleaner
  12. Private_Vivi

    Private_Vivi Ancient
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    I have to say, I'm not a fan of the sloppy looking floor. And by the looks of it, you know how to interlock, so try that on the floor.
  13. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    once i get the dl back up, please dl it and try the floor. the floor is meant to have that look. trust me i could have merged it but i felt for objective game types it is better this way.
  14. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    looks asymmetrically perfect. could use a bit more interlocking on the 'floor' part but other than that awesome. I just realized too that you got the same little duck and cover thingys like i do in my other map; I like :D.
  15. Bacon Luvr

    Bacon Luvr Ancient
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    great design on the map
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This looks really good, it is a shame your dl is on the fritz
  17. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    GAHGHADGHKSDLGH silly Spawn problems. messes are happening. keeps spawning in 3 of 72 and i don't know why. trying several things with other forgers. hopefully something positive will come of this.
  18. mitona

    mitona Ancient
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    interlocking more of the floor for more smoother affect but besides that awesome map 9/10
  19. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks cool ther seems to b a good amount of cover, looks fun but all i would say is to turn all the boxes over, it would look neater but still good job
  20. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    small problem, need to redo a large section still and im very busy with work U_U

    the boxes on the floor are open doubles. if i flip em you get a gap, and if i merge em to remove the gap, i need to keep them the same level. that would remove my depressed floor effect which i want. Also, I would then have to moe each and every wall that fraction of a distance simply to flip boxes. no thanks. its fine as is once you play it.

    trust me, the way the cover is set up and when you run the bumps are not felt. only if you barely walk at any pace at all, and even then it's a slight, microscopic change(i meean on the level parts, not the lower section --_--)

    I know all that is useless while DL is down but just saying and letting people know.. DL will hopefully be back up by friday, but no promises. I might just delete this post all together until i fix this dam thing >_<

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