This is the first of my many maps to come its called death pit. It is completely symetrical it can be used for slayer, team slayer and crazy king let me know what you think, here are some pics,
You need to fix your screenshots, I can't see them. You have to embed them using any picture website, some are imageshack and photobucket. Edit: There is also no download link.
no screens and down link, and a better map description would be nice aswell. eguitarplayer, nobody cares if you firstpost ot not, so imature and dont double post, and specially if its not even a usefull comment
Yes. Anyway, I'll explain how photobucket works. Sign up and then go to the upload link. Load the image from your computer (you should have it saved to your hard drive from After entering name, description, etc., it will say image code. press the box that says image code, and it will say copied. now just Ctrl-V into your post, and voila! Your image is embedded.
Sorry im new to this thanks for the help i hope the screenshots work this time. And Here is the download link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing