Unreal Tournament 3 Official Website IGN PS3 Review IGN UK PS3 Review IGN UK 360 Review Video Preview [360] Video Interview [360] My take on this game, is that its going to be awesome. I'm a big fan of the Unreal franchise, and I think this will once again be a phenominal game. To me, it looks a lot like what would happen if Gears of war, were to meet halo, and i am really exited. I have personally played this game, and i had a blast, and with all the extra content, and improved graphics, i think this game is a must. So if anyone hear is going to buy or even rent this game, hit me up on xbox live so we can play. So if anyone want to play, our just learn more about this game, click on all of the links at the top, or add me via xbox live at: L0CKdownN
Old as hell by now. If I didn't get in on the PC (which it is undeniably infinitely superior on), then my chances of even paying attention to its release on an Xbox are next to zero. Negative one is next to zero, right?
It kinda reminds me of Serious Sam...the weapons and such. I don't know if I'll buy it though, rent probably. Still looks pretty neat.
I already made a topic on this but not a bit like this so gj. Im def getting this game. This game is not getting the attention it deserves! And lockdown we should add each other because i don't think everyone is getting this right away but i have a few friends on my list that are getting this.
sounds good and no its not old, it hasnt even come out, and if you are talking about the ps3, then december is old so cod4 is old halo is old bioshock is old masseffact is old no, those are stall all highly played games.
I Remember playing the very first one on PC it was a really fun game to play. I am defiantley considering looking into buying Unreal Tournament 3. The main thing I enjoyed about playing it was how the guns were so unique and different.
i had the one on the old xbox and that was intense and really fun lots of characters and game types this will no doubt be a superb game we will find out friday there should have been a demo or more vids on marketplace though theres only 1
I got it for the PC but it would only play on my dads PC so we were always at a disagreement on whether or not I could play it, so I'm getting it on the 360 plus I was kinda crap at it on the computer. It comes out today, cant wait its such an awesome game.
The game is old news. The announcement for a 360 version has been around since the game was announced, and the push back has simply made this a very late port. The game failed on the PS3, and it failed on the PC (the very system that it was both designed for, and the platform that had the highest sales anticipations). I'm not gonna say it'll fail on the 360, but given its current record (coupled with the fact that it's still miles from being a fraction as good as the original Unreal Tournament), good sales numbers and good reception seems unlikely. If for some reason I do get this (and the PC beta and demo did nothing to sway me towards it), it will be on the vastly superior PC. After all, it's a primarily PC series.
I've already got this game on my PS3. I've already beat the "so called campaign" mode, which is basically just multiplayer with a story. The multiplayer is okay, and one of the best feature is the level designer. I give it a 4/10. Oh, and there are hardly 2000 people on a day. (PS3 and PC)
This game looks competitive as hell and that means I am at least giving it a try. Monday shall be an epic day.
The game relies a lot on the shotgun, and rockets. It's sexy, whenever you get a kill it's a rush, sniper headshots are next to impossible, but when they happen. Oh joy. HEADSHOT, and then the headless corpse fumbles around for a few seconds, and falls over.
wow this is gay it doesn't come into stores til tommorow. I thought it would be great playing right after first football practice. and the mall is mad far away.
I got this on Saturday, and played it all night long. Completed story mode too! It's such an awesome game. I knew it would be, loving UT2004 and all that, but on the xbox this is just really fun. I'd say turn up the turn sensitivity a little bit, It's really slow on default, but bar that, this game plays like a dream. It looks beautiful, it plays beautiful, and with any luck, it'll be sweet online.