Personally I think you should just stick with your original signature XD especially since I've got like 4 others in line
Randal Scandal here you go! It links to my deviantart lol XD I would appreciate if when you used it you linked to my deviantart as well and gave credit.
Sorry I didn't notice it until right now, but can you still edit it? You spelled Randle wrong. The scandal part is right, it's just the first name... If you can't it's fine... EDIT: I'll send you a PM about it as well... so ignore it if you read this first...
Hey gamingaddict! I'm just wondering, have you started on my sig yet? Oh and if you can, can you change the text in the top left to jedi eli and the bottom have no text?
okay, thanks for the edit. I should have told you about the resize, my god! I am very bothersome, I'm really sorry. Is there anyway you could make it bigger? Like just expand it maybe 1.5x bigger than it is. I think that would be good... if you can thank you!
That...may be a problem it depends on how big the resize is but when making something bigger it usually distorts the picture (besides the text its fine) so I will see if its to much of a difference. Also in your sig could you link to my deviantart or credit me? my deviantart is gamingaddictmike125.deviantart
Text:GET OVER HERE! Render: Requested Style: Blood splats and make it look evil. Requested Size: same as zelda sig
Text:RoB or Reaper of Bunny (you choose) Render:Anime(surprise me xD) Requested Style (optional):w/e goes well with the render Requested Size ( also optional and, smaller than forum rules obviously):360x140 Also dont do mine unless your bored since the chance that I use it it slim to none >.>
Render: If not possible, use star wars as a theme ( I couldn't resize / crop, srry) Style: I liked the 4th one, with master chief on it from this thread Size: Size of the zelda one (Edit: The minish cap one) double edit: Surprise me with the text, thx You are great with this and keep up the good work
Text: EternalEnemy Come play, come play kill. Just be. Render: Style: Like your Symbiote TWO on your deviant, if not a problem. Size: The size of the gamercard picture in my sig.
You guys do notice that he hasn't responded to this thread in a week, do you really think you are going to get your signature?
I really need a sig, so I really hope that if you start making this, that you have good fun making it, and that it will look almighty and awesome like all your other art and examples. Text: Your Mate Snipy says "Smile at the Scope" (Make text bold and stand out) Render: Wallpapers from game Frontlines: Fuel of War - GameWallpapers.Ru - WALLPAPERS FROM GAMES - GAME WALLPAPERS (Kinda like this picture. I learn to snipe on every game I get (even if it has no guns in it, there is always a way,) so I thought this picture was suitable) Requested Style: Blue and Silver/Grey textured background, Mist in the foreground, and a big Fire/Explosion in the distance. If you know how to animate anything, could you make the actual person (sniper) kind of flicker? A little like Cortana did in the Halo 3 Trailer. Know what I mean? It doesn't matter really but would be good .. Requested Size: Your choice. I'm not good with the whole signature request layout and I don't know the forum signature rules because thats how lazy I am. God Speed.