Coldfront Created by LIGHTSOUT225 Coldfront is an astounding one-sided map that takes up around a quarter of Avalanche. It utilizes near the cliff side, all the way up to the first set of large man cannons. LIGHTSOUT has managed to beautifully geo-merge platforms into the side of the cliff face to create unique structures such as the defenders sniper platform and the rocket bridge which is lying over the edge of avalanche. Of course, the rest of the map is up to this high standard as well, there are many notable features of this map, such as the "Mario Pipes", which are a pair of vertical double boxes which, when jumped into, transport you from one to the other, and push you out of the box via a grav lift. It is these and many other little touches, as well as great gameplay, that make this one of the most beautiful, and entertaining one-sided maps to play on. Download Coldfront View Original Forgehub Thread For more Info
I just knew this would get featured. This is, by far, the best Avalanche variant available. The forging in this is heavenly.
I'll admit, it's very good for an Avalanche map. And I'm tired of Foundry maps. So this is nice. But I'm sure there is some Foundry map out there better than this? It's not bad, it's great for Avalanche, but with all maps in mind, I don't think its amazing.
The games I played on this were all very fun. Except the first test game. It was only moderately fun because "colorblind" was on. Color FTW! And listening to Furious FTW! Another great map, Lights.
This was one of our favorites at TGIF and has always been a blast to play, glad to see it getting featured.
Great map. Much more fun to me than playing on the entire level of Avalanche. This map just seems to have done something that works very well with this particular area of Avalanche. I am not surprised that a featured Avalanche map is not one of the many ice cave maps.
Lights, you totally deserved the feature for this! It is by far the best Avalanche map I've ever played, and the fact that you didn't use the cave makes it that much more awesome! Congrats!
whoo hoo. this got featured. Lights makes the best maps focused on fun gameplay and i respect him for that. it's funny how it went from heatwave to coldfront... hmmm sudden temp change? anyway, i love this map and congrats Lights! (half mod, half premium, and half manbearpig)
d00d Lights0urce I canz breakdid ur mapz Congrats on the feature, this is definitely the best Avalance map made so far. I like Pearl Harbor, but its only fun once. I played this like 3 times and everytime it was even more intense than before. Anyone whos says this shouldnt be featured (someone always does) is wrong. The only Legendary maps to be featured so far have been based on aesthetics, so finally having one you can actually play and have fun on is well-deserved
Hey Insane54, I found a minor typo. Just letting you know. Also, not many maps on Avalanche are featured. This one deserved it.
this is pretty creative definetly dling i like the idea of the mario pipes and how you merged to merge the platforms.
Finally a good non-aesthetic map on avalanche. Very good interlocking/geomerging. This may make avalanche worth playing on. 5/5 and a DL from me!
Wow this is amazing and i really like all the diffrerent man connans and gravlifts you can use to get around!
Wow!!! This map looks awesome. This would be the best map on Avalanche for me. I like how you geomerged into the ground and it looks like snow covered the bridge and stuff. 5/5
this is really good and i felt it was going to be fetured because of how good it was great job lightsout!!!