The Ranch Created by streetsoccer12 Supported Gametypes: DuckHunt Map Description DuckHunt is a fun mini game that originally came from a sega game. It became a classic so, I decided to make a duckhunt map. I saw other people's duckhunt map's on foundry, and they seemed a bit sloppy. So I made a remake that you will hopefully like! In this game There is one hunter that has a sniper, and the rest of the people are the ducks. The ducks start in a pond and try geting through a whole obstacle course without being killed by the hunter. The duck's get to the end to a teleporter where they also pick up a custom powerup that lets them kill the Hunter. In the game I added some new features like..Two story sniper booth, new obstacles, a pond, different game type. So hope fully you will enjoy this game and have fun! Also If you play with a full party one or two people might spawn outside of the pond, this happened because the pond was built to only fit a certain amount of people and the back wall wasn't interlocked together to well because it was only made to show people there boundrie's. _________________________________________________ Ducky Pond Sniper Ranch Obstacle Overview _________________________________________________ Sorry for the lack of Picture's I was short on time and I was reaching the limit of picture's to take, If you are still not convinced to download the map and want more pic's please tell me! Also don't be telling me that I need more picture's WITHOUT reading this. Download MAP NAME HERE Download GAMETYPE NAME HERE
Ok Heres my review: Good -Looks cool, i like how the ducks spawn in a "pond" -Snipers!! <3 -Ducks get to kill guys in iron clad suits. AWESOME!! -Good use of interlocking in most places to create a good obstacle course Areas for improvement -Waaaay too many shield walls for my liking -could be escapable -the sniper hut seems a bit cramped xD If you found my review helpful and informative please add to my rep. I don't like being blue =( it seems as if nobody listens to what you say =(
Thanks for the post! Make sure you try out the map aswell rating it before hand because trust me the hut isnt cramped lol I geoglitched the stair's into the wall to add space. I gave you rep btw :]
I downloaded the map, played it with a couple friends (nobody is online during a school day xD) and i found it really fun, its a shame im crud at sniping though, the ducks killed me ='(. I take back what i said about the sniper ranch, that isnt cramped at all, the pic makes it look like it though =D, anyhows well done, im keeping this map
This looks cool in all but I thought Duck Hunt is a Nintendo game, are you maybe thinking of Flicky or is there actually a game on the sega called Duck Hunt?
Im pretty sure it was sega that made the duckhunt game, maybe it was nintendo I wasn't to sure.. If anyone here want's to play this game with me hit me up! GT: streetsoccer12