Debate HM Global Warming (No, its not a fact)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ferretness, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. DarkBlades

    DarkBlades Ancient
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    I thought about this as well. What if, this is what the earth is naturally doing?

    Either way, burning fuel is helping. -_-
  2. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I assume you mean "isn't"?

    Your sig made me lol (the liberal part)
  3. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    i have one thing to say.... have u ever watched the movie An Inconvenient Truth? its al about global warming... and its actually not called global warming any more its called climate change! do u kno why ? its because this is getting way to serious... last year my town had a tornado... thats the first tornado in history YES HISTORY!!! heres a link to the mildmay tornado
  4. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I seriously hope your kidding.
  5. kovakelslovak

    kovakelslovak Ancient
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    have you seen "an inconvieniet truth?" is that all a lie.

    MAN BEAR PIG its real! i told you so.!!!!
  6. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    Global Warming is the biggest bull-**** I have ever heard, next to 911 and the missile attack on the Pentagon. In the end the majority of people will believe what they hear on T.V./ media and what they watch in a 2 hour documentary with an environmentalist hypocrite named Al Gore. Yes, the world changes, it's natural, there is nothing we can do to change the global climate - about 70% of the world is water, 30% land - of the 30% land a lot of it is is barren and where it's not barren and people do live not all of them create large amount of CO2 - we can't cause global warming. Global warming does not exists the world will not melt and I can almost guarantee I will live the rest of the 80 years of my life without being killed by climate change.
  7. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Regardless of the amount of landmass we occupy we still put out a certain rate of CO2 dependent upon our societies energy consumption. Global warming is not a myth or a lie and any serious climatologist will tell you that. There is not a complete consensus in science on the cause of global warming and there never will be on any issue. However, that does not mean we don't have strong evidence to support Global Warming.

    Like Al Gore or not, he gets the issue out there and talks about it. Even if the evidence he uses is wrong (which some is) it doesn't negate that there is credible evidence out there and I respect his ability to get such a serious threat to our way of living in the public eye.
  8. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    How can we possibly have credible evidence? The period in which we have been observing the temperature of the earth has neither been accurate enough or long enough. 100 years or even a 1000 years is nothing compared to the earth's life span. That's like observing my video game activity over 5 mins and saying that I do nothing but.
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Indirect evidence my friend. Our species hasn't existed for 4.5 billion years so how do we know how old the earth is? Indirect evidence.
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    Carbon and radio dating is how we found out how old things are. And I am not saying the Earth is definitely 4.6 billion years but it is at least that.

    And I cannot believe the amount of ignorance in some people in this thread. I find it real sad that some people in our society think Global Warming is a myth. It is real and the science is there to prove it.

    Sure ice melts and regrows but with global warming it melts more than it regrows; like a bouncing ball effect.
  11. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    Ice has been melting for thousands of years - the entire northern hemisphere was covered in it - there is nothing unusual about ice melting. There have also been tornadoes and hurricanes occurring for thousands of years - there is nothing unusual about it. And personally, here where I'm living I haven't even noticed any major changes in the climate - our planet is normal and will be for a long time to come. Scientist claim they can accurately predict the effects of global warming and what it will do in the next hundred years - but we can just barley forecast the week's weather, it does not make sense. Weather is unpredictable but that does not mean it's global warming, there is not going to an apocalypse any time soon.
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    So global warming isn't real because ice melts and tornadoes and hurricanes occur. Seriously?
  13. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    [FONT=&quot]There isn’t a single scientist that you can look in the eye and, without hesitation, without clarification, without saying, kinda, mighta, sorta, if, and or but…say “yes, global warming is with us.”

    [/FONT] There is no evidence at all to support such claims. Changes in global temperatures are natural. Even if there is global warming, humans didn’t cause it and there is nothing they can do about it. There is no proof that the temperature is effected by anything that man has done. The resulting temperature changes causes severe storms, flooding and even draught on every continent on earth. It is completely natural. Look up “El Nino” in the dictionary (or the internet), it has been wreaking its havoc across the globe since long before man appeared.

    Al Gore showed us a graph about the history of temperature and CO2. He showed us that however much on the cold side was a mile in ice. Then he compared it to the amount of CO2/ temperature on the warm side. He showed his prediction when he went up on the elevator to show us the extreme temperatures we will have very soon. He explained how global warming will doom us. Personally, I can’t comprehend or believe that humankind will perish in about 100 years due to global warming. Another thing, if global warming were actually true, in order to prevent it, we would have to change our lifestyles; everybody would, in a short period of time. That is not easy and would be uncomfortable for millions of people to accomplish.

    Another thing that could change climate is the moving continents/ tectonic plates. They are always moving and changing the location of continents. |
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    A.k.a. "global warming" (in this situation), right?

    True, humans didn't cause it, but we do contribute even if it is just small compared to the scale it naturally occurs at. While we can't really stop it now (or even at all), we can try to come up with clean and efficient alternatives to our less refined ways. That is not to say we will be stopping global warming, but it wouldn't hurt either.
  15. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    The Earth's climate changes in response to external forcing, including greenhouse gases, variations in its orbit around the Sun (orbital forcing),changes in solar luminosity, and volcanic eruptions;all examples of the earth's own variation in temperatures, for which the UNFCCC uses the term climate variability.

    I'd like to direct your attention to some FASCINATING graphs.




    Looking at graphs two and three we notice that temperature variances stopped occurring after 1960 when C02 output began rise exponentially. Looking at graphs one, two and three we see that no matter the solar variance temperature appear to rise on the same steady curve as CO2.


    Looking at this graph we see that not even natural warming periods match the extent of this periods warming.

    OK so you went on this long rant about Al Gore and you ended it by saying "I can't...believe..." Personal feelings or beliefs do not matter in science. Al Gore's graph is off to say the least, it is inaccurate and a fool's scare tactic.

    It's called adaptation. You either do it or die. If you want to stave off the end buy some compact florescent light bulbs and no I'm not being facetious. What can we do that would not really affect our lives to prevent global warming? Wind, solar, GEOTHERMAL. The things can be done by business with no consequence to your daily life. Some electricity comes from wind, some from coal, it's still electricity, though.

    Will human's perish in 100 years? No. Could a lot of humans perish in the next 100 years. Yes. We won't go extinct but if we keep it up our way of life won't be around much longer.

    At about a centimeter a year. I really don't see that having consequence in the next 100 years.

    Not a peer-reviewed article...
  16. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    This is pathetic how most of you think this is all a hoax. This is why us Americans are not doing crap about it; because a number of us are way too ignorant.

    If you guys are not going to accept facts and are not willing to change the way you live then go ahead because I am not going to try to make you. I just find it real sad that America is the only country in the world who is not on the Kyoto Protocol.
  17. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    Only time will tell if Global Warming actually exists - if in the next 100 years the earth is on fire and there is solid evidence that humans contributed to it, then I will believe too. Until then, I won't change my mind. Even looking outside now, I see 2 feet of snow, and during the summer, my face did not melt - I won't believe it just because of a movie or what I see in T.V.
  18. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Global warming doesn't state the planet will get red hot and even if it did your attitude towards it is ridiculous! "I'll believe it when it's too late." That's bullshit.

    It means the oceans will get warmer until it disrupts the gulf stream causing the Northern hemisphere to lose its warm water supply and begin a new ice age prematurely. Learn the subject before you criticize it.
  19. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    Yeah Global Warming does not have drastic effects but just a minor temperature rise is all it takes for ice to melt. And yes I know ice regrows too its common sense but like I said with Global Warming we have the bouncing ball effect. More ice melts than it regrows. My biology teacher has pictures of an ice glacier he visits every year since he was in college and the first picture shows how big it used to be and another picture 8 years later shows it as almost completely gone.

    And Global Warming is not going to have drastic effects on our generation but it will 3-5 generations from now on if we keep this up.
  20. Twinbird24

    Twinbird24 Ancient
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    I hate to tell you this but we've actually already lost a huge glacier that used to cover the entire continent.

    "And Global Warming is not going to have drastic effects on our generation but it will 3-5 generations from now on if we keep this up." - you seem quite certain Global warming will hit its zenith, or have drastic effects, 3-5 generations from now, but we can hardly predict the weather a week in advance, let alone the global climate 3-5 generations from now. There are so many things that could occur in 3-5 generations that could negate global warming (if it actually existed - and even if it did it is natural not human made).

    Also, for those of you who think that every scientist agrees with global warming and that there is solid proof that humans contribute to it, well, there are actually A LOT of scientist that don't agree with global warming, maybe even more scientist that disagree with it than there are that agree with global warming. Here are some links if you want proof:A Few More Scientists who Disagree with Global Warming Alarmists Don’t Get Me Started… | Global warming ‘consensus’: 31,000 scientists disagree Tad Cronn

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