I hope we get more free maps in the future. It would greatly make up for the prices of the last two map packs.
i REALLY dont find it all that hefty to pay $10 for 3 new maps to keep a game from getting stale. Seriously. oh, and "told ya so."
the thing is 3 maps for 10 dollars is quite a lot per map. In Halo 2 in the Bonus pack(warlock, Containment) was free ya that was two maps but the Maptacular Pack (Backwash, Relic,Terminal, Gemini, Elongation) was only 12 dollars. I know Bungie does not price the maps but they got Mountain Dew to sponsor the Bonus pack, and why cant they do that again? I'm glad that got the price for the Legendary pack to get marked down but that still have not announced that it will be free. All I'm saying is that Bungie is at least trying to move Microsoft in the right direction with the free map and mark down. I also know that H3 is not H2 but still 3 maps for about the same price of 5. DAMN THIS SO CALLED RESCISSION!!!!!!!![/qusi rant]
lol, seems like a couple of the b.net nubs got something right for once oh yeah, =] about the freeness lul
That video is originally from a MLG tournament. Go to MLG | Major League Gaming and search for it. I saw it 2-3 weeks ago.
I got a Youtube link for a video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7JcenniBns Hah, the YT code is "J7JcenniBns," 1 number, it's a miracle.
psh that video is originally from my camera. but yes it was taken at mlg san diego a couple weeks ago.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=EJgn32W8y6Q the forge teleporters are blue as well, sexy. it has the same energy blockers from avalanche. Even though I doubt many forges will be here, unless there's some big out of the map thing, maybe someone with too much time will make a floating base or something.
the rooms are large and empty enough to where i think some mildly entertaining creations will be made.
LOL!! The Oracle eyeball does follow you. And the pure flood form does twitch when you get near it. COOL!
Can't wait till Monday! (7/7) It's nice that they lowered the price of the Legendary maps, but not to the people who already bought them. Oh well.