Now this is going to be hard to do, but I need good games for the Wii. The games I own right now are as follows: Big Brain Academy: Wii Degree Carnival Games (Wifes choice) Cooking Mama: Cookoff (Wifes choice and not too bad either) House of the Dead 2 and 3 Super Mario Galaxy Wii Play (Extra Controller and decent minigames) Wii Sports Plan on getting: Legend of Zelda SSBB (duh) Trauma Center: New Blood (amazingly good) -------------------------------------------- Are they're any recommendations on any other games? I personally like games with a story and such, thats why I want LoZ and the Trauma Center game, but my wife likes the mini game ones. So can anyone recommend any more story type games or mini game packs? Thanks for the help.
Yeah. Zelda and Brawl rock. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is epic win, especially if you play the first two. Battalion Wars 2 ain't bad, and Mario Kart Wii is alright (the wheel pisses me off, but a lot of people seem to have gotten the hang of it).
Wii is crap. The only thing its good for is Mario, it should be renamed the mario box. I'm gonna get Brawl and Mario Kart and thats probably it. I've got Mario Galaxy, Zelda, Wii Sports and Mario Party 8. None of those compare to most 360 games. The wii is only fun with 4 people and even then its not great.
SSBB is really awesome the zelda game i didnt really like , i dont really no any good mini games (sorry)
Zach and Wiki is a pretty amazing puzzle game, if you have any interest in the genre at all you won't be disappointed. But yeah, the Wii is really lacking in worthwhile games, to surprising degree. Up till now I've never had any system not made by Nintendo, the Wii made me finally cave in and buy a 360. It's kind of funny too, the Gamecube is considered such a failure and the Wii is this huge success, but at this point in the Gamecube's life there was so much more you could do with it.
dont flame me, but i had to go to a cousins house (in another state) cause my gRANDFOTHER WAS IN THE HOSPITOL, and hes only like 5 but he was cloest to hospitol and he had a wii and to tell the truth, boom blox is actually pretty fun
The wii games have disappointed me, the classics of n64 own all the wii sequels. The problem with the wii games is that nintendo is trying to make it fair and balanced so that seasoned veteran videogamers don't completely own n00bs and so that more people can tap into videogames on the wii and play with ease. Thus, in my opinion, it has become a console for 10 year olds. however, that aside here's my reviews on games: wii play: not as fun as wii sports, a newer, bigger variety of games, but they get old pretty fast. But if you need the extra controller then this isn't a bad buy, as the controller makes up for the game. LoZ: Twilight Princess: Overall it was pretty good and I liked it a lot. A lot of people say it's still not as good as Ocarina, but Ocarina set the bar pretty high and Twilight Princess definitely delivers a great gaming experience. Fairly challenging, and pretty fun. A must have for all wii owners IMO Super Mario Galaxy: This was pretty fun, but not all that challenging. I beat the game in a matter of a few days. It doesn't really have a whole lot of a replay value but it's one of the better mario games to come out for awhile so if you like mario then this game is good. Super Smash Bros Brawl: This game was not very good in my opinion. A lot of hype was built around it and it didn't live up to it in my opinion. Unlike the original SSB and even Melee to a lesser extent, Brawl makes virtually every character play the same. I remember in SSB me and my friends all had our favorite characters whom we would just dominate with. In Brawl there is none of that as all the characters do basically the same attacks and the same damage. You don't ever feel satisfaction from knocking an opponent off the stage and you never feel the power of a well timed smash attack (slamming the thumbstick and respective button). The only thing this game has going for it is the new smash ball which makes it a little interesting. But other than that, it's worse than melee. And the adventure mode isn't that fun. The only reason I did it was to unlock characters. It's very repetitive and get's old pretty fast. Mario Kart Wii: Again, here is a classic example of how nintendo tries to make everything fair and ends up ruining what could have been a great game. If your looking just to have fun with some friends, this game is good. But if you're playing to win, this game is horrible. While the mario kart series used to be pretty competitive, it isn't that anymore. If you get in first during a race, it's almost guarunteed that you'll go from first, to 12th, then to second, and then 8th before the race is over. The items have almost too much of an influence on the racing. The better items are granted to those in last, which can instantly send them to first and send those who were in first straight back to last. There's no skill involved and it's really luck of the draw as far as who gets the better items. But like I said, if you don't care about winning and are just racing to have a good time then this is pretty fun. My friends and I played this for 2 straight hours just racing for the hell of it. Other than those I haven't played any other games to a great extent.
Bleh. No one really actually helped me. Oh well. Also, I know that the Wii is currently lacking in extremely good games, but since it's the cheapest console (and I couldn't get a PS3 for MGS4) we went with that. But still, a few good games are supposed to be coming out soon. Also, if you want a hard game for the Wii, go ahead and get the Trauma Center game. It has three difficulty levels and they get pretty tough when you get further on. It's also quite a long game seeing how you have the normal story, side story character, and also the extreme challenges. It's also fun once you get used to it. Anyways, thanks for the..... "help".
yeah idk, while I appreciate nintendo's innovation, i don't really think it's done a whole lot for the game. The wiimote definitely flourishes in Wii Sports and to a lesser extent in Mario Party 8. but on other games where they try to implement it, it fails. Like on LoZ: Twilight Princes I started off slashing with my arm but by the end of the game I was just twitching my wrist because it still gave the same result.
the only reason i use the wii is to use its wifi and check myspace ;D but i like, zelda is good, though i never finished it, and i know mario cart is going to be awwwwesome!!!
lol, I have probably speant more time on the internet on the wii then actually playing a wii game. Does anyone else's wii turn itself on?
Personally I don't have a Wii but my friends do, and the games I've played, and liked were SSB: Brawl and the new Mario Kart. Most other games for Wii are quite bad in my opinion. The only real Nintendo console I liked was the Nintendo 64
I actually agree with you. My friend has it and we played it for around three hours and never got bored. Other than that brawl is amazing, Mario Kart is fun and I personally like excite truck, it is fast paced but can get boring after a while.
Super Paper Mario. Got it recently, discovered that it's like sex in a Mario form. Creepy as that may be...
Wii must haves Metroid 3 Super Mario Galaxy Legend of Zelda TP SSBB Mario Kart Wii - The racing isn't very "fair" online, but the online is by far very fun, and we play games to have fun, not to win all the time don't we? Super Paper Mario The Wii has plenty of good frist party games, most of them you can get for pretty cheap now, or at least rent to see if you like them. Also check out the Wii group in Social groups and maybe you can help us destroy the evil power!
TALES OF SYMPHONIA 2 WHEN IT COMES OUT!!! Also just got fire emlem radiant dawn and it kicks ass if you like the fire emblem games. xD EDIT:Brawl is amazing too.