Supremacy Created by Gr1M BroS Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag King of the Hill Oddball Territories I'm Gr1M BroS and this is my first map. When I started to Forge It was suppose to be a FFA map. As I progressed I realized that it would be better for team slayer and other team objectives. This map has different main points There is the O.S. platform ( 2-Floors) and Sniper tower (3-Floors) The Mid - platform Plus Invis-Temple And there's a Cat-walk that connects the Sniper Tower and Invis-Temple Excellent with One Flag Download Supremacy Hope you have fun on this map and please give me feedback (good or bad) I want to get better at Forge'n - Thanks Forgehub
looks very nice! i like that temple. it looks as if it has good interlocking. it also looks fun for ctf. nice job!
the cmo building and turret building look sweet. i think i see a couple spots u can get out at though, i'll dl and see if i can.
Just for better ascetics you might want to interlock the two middle stairs on the giant middle structure rather than the stairs on the left side. It's not a big deal if you don't , it just looks more symmetical if you interlock at the middle.
very nice, i like the geo merging and interlocking and looks great for CTF if you have any extra money though you should try and fill in the area next to the awsome looking temple and the mid-platform-4.9999/5
I like the different bases, but it looks like there should be more by the semi to the left of the mid platform in this pic. There could also be a bit more to the middle. Even flipping the corner walls down instead of standing them up would make it interesting, and would make capping the flag a little more interesting.
This map is very pleasing to the eye good job. Now I will have to see what the game play is like and I will get back to you.