I have removed this map from this area please check out version 2 for more imformation on this map ORION V2
The font makes me angry, the ship totally compensates I like how it is a ship that doesn't focus on asthetics and more on playability. You got my dl.
wow. This is the first ship map I've been interested in. It looks like an actual playable map. great job! you've got my download.
i like the map it is very clever and my best bit has to be the warthog drop that is very clever also do not double post cause people will give you infractions and what ever
I must say that this is the mona lisa of battle ships. It mixes player gameplay w/ nice aesthetics. I like the front and how it looks all wavy. I also thought the first class window seats was a great/funny idea. 5/5 and a DL from me!
hey cool map i realy like these ships on avalanche 5/5 dl definite _________________ current projects name: crash site progress:imagining name: spiderbots progress:imagining
Check what section your in... Aesthetic... Love the lay out... I been really enjoying the ships made on this map... Side notes you should use ship terms when talking about a ship.. Port Starboard...Aft... Top note... Seems like you could do more for the top of the ship... all the boxes are pointed to the sides breaking that feeling of stream line and fish like..which is all ways thought of with the covy ships...
Ok heres my review Good -Awesome aesthetic battleship , just immense -Should get featured -Playable -Blue box =O Areas for improvement -Interlocking could be used in some places (nearly all of it looks awesome but some can be improved) -The thrustrers are a bit of a letdown, you could merge 2 together per booster if u have enough budget. -Stop being to awesome at making maps! thats my job xD (just kidding) -Font is too "in your face" If you liked my review please give +rep =D Ps. Make a V2 and it could probably, definitely get featured, thats even if this version doesn't!!!
That is huge!!one! I like the passenger seats. But some parts look a little bent or uneven. I would like to see a v2
thanks guys it was kinda hard to make this huge gigantic ship and still make everything even, precise,and exciting for the people inside the ship, and a bit difficult for the attackers to take down the ship, but i hope ou guys all like this ship as much as TITAN. oh and another thing guys i now edited the post and it is now nice and neat and easy to read, and another thing guys where is it sloppy and where does it need to be interlocked so i could fix it for version 2
Fast post for dl latter : Que is full and not near 360. will edit post latter. and i congratulate you for witting the LONGEST run on sentence. EVER. period. well done and fix the font XD
Thanks again for spaming/bumping your map.[sarcasm] As for the ship it looks good although armories blow and some places look alittle "mehh" Still a decent map though, but it could be better.
This ship looks very good and I'll have to try to play on it sometime. My advice is too change the font that you used for the description as it is hard to read and very annoying. Other then that great job. DOWNLOADED