Download Talladega Download Race GameType With the Help of my friend 'Petergriff died', we were able to create an interesting and fun Race Map. Due to the shere vastness and quantaty of items used to create the level, there was nothing left to make a very good Anti-Cheat System, Measures taken are one teleporter, and a misleading Destination Marker. For the point system to work effectively, my 'Race' Gametype is strongly recomended. Scroll Down for Pictures. Note: The Pictures Bellow Are showed in the sequence of the actual Race. Overview of Talladega Starting Point First Jump Bridge Ramp Hill Bounce Don't Fall Off the Ledge! Trust Gravity Wall Bounce Take A Spin Around a Giant 3 Another Big Jump Under the Bridge The Final Big Jump Finish Line! One Final Turn Puts You Back At the Starting Point. If you download, Please Rate, and Comment. Download Talladega Download Race GameType
This looks really cool. Excellent use of shield doors, especially over the cliff, looks a little hard. I DL and play, and get back to you
Looks great except that it looks like a less skillful player could fall of some of the stuff, like the floating man cannon and those sheild doors, what would happen if they fell?
looks good DL for me but how does those teleporteers work ad the end is it a anti cheat if soo.....well loks godd dl for me 3/5
I agree with shortspeedy it looks like a very fun and well thought-out map but if somebody falls over the cliff, what happens.
this seems really cool..... oh, and i'll download.......oh, and also don't worry i follow the honor rules.
looks like a nice race track, i like the hill bounch and the starting pionts, looks fun for a race of 8, good job.
That's my only problem with this map is that you need honor rules and I'm not quite sure what the line of teleporters at the end is for.
i think that the begining and the bit in mid air looks kinda sloppy for me i think you should make a V2 and edit to it quickly but it is a nice map i think the sheild walls are very goo and clever.
Ooh its.... bouncy, and fun! Good job though it doesnt really have anything special. 4/5 and a DL from me.
Thanks everyone. FOr the comments about falling off the cliffside shield doors, your kind of forced into them so you shouldnt be falling
Thank you for the mature reply to that, I appreciate it. I understand that you have changed the map slightly, and my friend has told me that he only "Helped" build it, about half of it. It may result that the other creator is indeed your friend. He doesn't care though, so I'll leave it.
As it Currently Appears, in the form i have it in now, imput was provided by 3 seperate people. I will not of course claim complete ownership, but i will keep this map up and posted.