Oh, I'm sorry. When I don't care about people, I give them free stuff as well. "SHUT UP! TAKE THIS COOKIE!' He should be tazed in the genitals.
wow. thats sad. i dont understand what about a game pushes people so much to say those kinds of things
LOL has no one else realized hes being sarcastic? Right when I read the part about George Bush trying to help everyone out by sending out stimulus packages it was just waaay to obvious.
There is no way this kid is serious. I believe that whole post was a joke. Nothing more. A sarcastic, joke thread.
satire at its very best...actually worst...although it tricked people...so maybe its so good...its bad?
This made me laugh so hard. I bet the kids at Bungie.net had a fit reading this, wait no...they wouldn't understand most of the words in it. Anyways the person who posted this is pure win.
wow, that got me going. Until he said George Bush is helping America. Then I laughed and found out it was sarcasm. nice find. Winsauce just got poured all around him.
If he's being serious - What a moron. Inidiana Jones technically didn't even reveal the downside of communism, so that's a poor reference. Secondly, I seriously doubt that giving away one free map to a select group of people (those who play halo) is going to send the U.S. plummeting into an economic point-of-no-return. What a tard. If he's joking - That was just stupid.
Wow you guys are nubs. Awesome sarcasm, whenever someone does that at bnet its funny watching the little kids take it seriously and get pissed, but I expected more from you people.
This pic describes me completely after reading that. Why were you over at B.net forums anyways? That's just suicidal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ux3DKxxFoM The OBGYN part is t3h best. For the younger fellas that don't know what OBGYN is it's this: OBGYN Obstetric Gynecologist Ask your moms about those. Or just google them.