Download!! Sniper's Square The map to satisfy all your noobish desires! One big sniper tower smack dab in the middle. There are two turrets and a sniper catwalk. I used a nothing-canvas and used every drop of money I had. Interlocking was used, on the catwalk. And yes there is a way up to the catwalk Download!!
looks rlly good DL fore me even tho i dislike snipes i like this one becuase it has ALOT of cover so u can escpe lol gj 3.5/5
it looks kinda slaped together, but i kinda like it. I think it needs some interlocking, but its pleasing to my eyes. It might be fun. Ill try it!
It looks very sloppy, and some of the walls and other things are slanted. Interlocking and patience can solve that Good map otherwise!
The sniper tower is great. You should build up the rest of the map though and delete most of the soft objects. Once this is done, you should make FFA spawns only in the bases, so the sniper has ultimate power. This though, makes you have to give the outsiders an advantage. I'd say power drain, rocket luancher, or plasma 'nades. Great map 5/5
orriginaly there was a lot of symetry but i tried to break that up with the items. The items themselves provide cover from the sniper/laser tower. It helps even out the map. I made this map a long time ago and I almost asked for your sympathy. But suggestions will help just as much (if not more)
I like the layout of the map but as said before me, just take some more time in the creation of it and maybe add some interlocking to make it more pleasing to the eye. Other then that I like the concept and layout of it. Great Job.
its a great idea for a great map, but from the first picture i told myself, that sniper tower is not balanced. its unleveled, not even, and looks thrown together. interlocking will make this map so much better. 3\5
this looks sloppy but i think with potential and time you can make this map very neat and tidy while keeping the same basic layout
Nice Start The main structures lik the sniper tower look great, but the surrounding area on the floor looks like it was thrown together pretty quickly. Spend as much time on the ground cover as you did on the sniper tower and I'll DL. Nice Start!
looks to easy to just camp up top and destroy anyone below. you might want to think of creative ways to balance this out, such as another base on the side that lets you get a good view of the high middle, but its not such a great sniper spot itself. just an idea
looks pretty good, uv got a good idea and the sniper tower looks nicely done, ther seems to a gd amount of cover, but some places could b interlocked but looks fun