Map Title: Treehouse Download Map Description: This is The Treehouse. It's primarily a Slayer or Juggernaut map,but can also be used for objective based games(I didn't set up flag spots or bomb plants so you'll have to do it if you want objectives). There's multiple "Treehouses" housing a Rocket Launcher,a Machine Gun Turret, and an Overshield. On the ground there is a series of tunnels that conceal various weapons,including an Energy Shield. Ramps and stairways mix with tall structures,winding maze like corridors,a hidden Spartan Laser,and a Gravity Hammer "one on one" pit....Good luck in there! I've included a few quick pics but I recommend downloading for the full effect. THE GRAVIT HAMMER PIT VIEW FROM THE TOP TREEHOUSE VIEW FROM LOWEST TREEHOUSE
Looks like a cool map, but did it HAVE to be made in foundry, it would have been alot nicer looking in Standoff or isolation or something outdoors...
Yeah I'd probably agree as well that you could have used an outdoor map and utilized the actually trees provided by our kind Bungie Developers. The map looks cool though, especially if it was played for Territories. Nice Work.
Thanks for the positive feedback so far guys, i'm pretty new to this so I guess I am not as sick of Foundry as some might be.
Nor am I sick of Foundry, don't get me wrong its a great map for forging. I hope you didn't misinterpret my opinion that you shouldn't have designed your map on Foundry. I just think since your concept/title is Treehouse, the map might look even cooler on Standoff or another containing trees that you could utilize and an outdoor enviorment as well.
Well it wouldn't have been pretty difficult without all of the new scenery, you'd pretty much be limited to Crates on a map like Isolation, and not all of us have the Crate-forming skills of Red vs. Blue's Caboose (Cookie for reference). Anyway, the name "Treehouse'' intrigued me and the screenshots even more so, so it's being queued for download and I'll get back to you later, TC.
Looks excellent and well put together. While agree with others about how it should or could be on an outside map, you do have limited resources out in the cold dark world of the pre-heroic maps. Would it not be great if Bungie added all the new forge items to the older maps? Then you could treehouse it up on Guardian
That would have been nice, but unfortuantely the way that bungie designed forge (and their own internal map editing software) each map has a limited, pre-existing palette of items. That been said, if they really wanted to make available the new items for forging in the old maps they would have to completely rebuild the maps from scratch (no copy and paste... naughty naughty!) bcos if they were to copy and past the same maps they would copy and pasting the palette they used to build the maps. Thus NO WALLS, NO CONTAINERS, and NO FENCES... D'Oh! And we all thought it would be easy, lol
Yes, but Standoff does have bridges, fence boxes, and double boxes etc. that could have been used. The map also has some trees aswell that would have made the treehouse look nicer. So it would have been possible to make on Standoff using this new scenery...
the only problem with out door maps is that they do not have as large a flat surface as foundry. that would have made making the structures difficult to say the least
I made a giant treehouse map on Standoff... it was fun. I never finished it because i didnt like it in the end.