this is a f22 raptor i made a week ago it is a bold looking air craft kinda needs fixed up also the pics are links click on them it will take you to : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing download> : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing< enjoy
pics dont work downmload from bungie by clicking on them in the viewer then upload to photo bucket copy the img tags into your post use the preveiw button to check they work
Ya you need to fix your pics, and you probably wanna write a little dicription of the map too it will help people out not just say, theres a secret haha.
you need to embed the pics in this post read the earlier comments and use the edit button to edit your post insted of double posting
You need to learn otherwise your threads won't last here in ForgeHub. So I will try to help you. Embeding Pics 101 1) Take pics of you map in game in the Halo Theater. 2) Go to and download and save these pics to your desktop (or wherever you want it doesnt matter). 3) Register a free account on Photobucket (or Imageshack if you want I use Photobucket so these steps are for Photobucket) 4) After making your account, create a new album to put your pics in (if you're gonna make more maps this helps for organization; this step IS NOT mandatory) 5) Click the "Choose Files" button next to the "Upload Images and Videos" Box and find and select all of your saved pics. 6) Skip the "Insert Tags" Section because it does you no good. 7) You should now be on a page that has all your pics with like 3 or 4 links under them; copy the last link (it says 'IMG Code' next to it) and go to your thread and paste that link inside the post. Hope this helps you.
That isn't a F-22 Raptor. It resembles nothing like the F-22 Raptor. Here is what the F-22 Raptor looks like. What you made looks like this but with 2 tail fins instead of one. I suggest you study up on your aircraft before you make them.
Alright the next person who says that this post is not up to standards gets an infraction, he already knows that. Since nobody provided a link to the map standards thread, here it is.
Sorry but you have been given 24 hours to fix this post and you have not fixed it so I'm gonna have to lock it. Please re-post when you are sure about the rules.