Is there a way to make boundaries on Forge? Like, make it so where players can't get passed something. I'm not talking using crates and barriers, I'm talking about you cannot get through whatsoever. I read a guide somewhere, i forget, that you can use like CTF or something and make boundaries unpassable. Add my gamertag: Insanedrone822 to check out this map I'm making. It's for Slayer. It's my first attempt at Forging a good map.
You can change the gametype to KotH and set the hill where you want the players to be confined to, and then make the players lose points for every second outside the hill.
I'm talking about blocking off the Inside of Last Resort from the beach. My map is based around the beach and I'm trying to block off every single entrance to get inside of Last Resort, but it's hard because players are so stubborn (not all) and use grenades, rockets, find ways to jump over my barriers, it's frusterating. If anyone wants to check out what I'm talking about, add me and message asking for a party invite.