Well yes it had flaws but i always had fun. played halo 2 for years, no complaints. But it hasnt even been a year yet and ive already grown tired of halo 3.
Wow. That is called bein a HUGE asshole. Seriously. You arent exactly the most well known and active user on this site either. Yea, most people including me know you, but you arent THAT incredibly well known unlike someone such as Nemi or Tit or someone. Whats it matter anyway? That was just not needed. Anyway, going back on topic, I have to agree, I got bored of halo about 2 months ago, and barely ever play. Only for TGIFs and to beat my sisters boyfriend at it. Even if he always wins :/ except once! One time I did OWN him. Anyway, I moved on to GTA specifically, but now I stopped with that. Im looking forward to GoW2.
Ya they kinda ****ed up matchmaking on this game which is the meat and potatoes of the game. Everything else is great though and they coulda bin all like "Ahhhh **** it no other game will think of this."
I agree with tex, this thread makes me sadface but anyway I mix up my games but halo is still teh best game ever
I didn't forge for about 2 months.....sometimes you just need a little break in order to freshen your spirits. I think Furious D also had a 2 month spurt where he didn'y release anything new. We all have our cycles. I think its just important to not always do the same thing continually to keep things fresh. I'm working on mini gametype map right now myself. I've done nothign but build competative maps. It's time for a little change.
I played Halo from September to December, I played CoD4 from December till about March, then played Halo again then at the start of may I started forging properly. I think I'm starting to find Halo boring again, it's not fun anymore, I've played everything there is to play, and all of my friends have gone back to CoD4, so I recently started playing WoW again, and I'm also thinking of quitting Halo.
Does anyone else miss Multi Team? I loved those epic battles of mahem. It combined two great things about Halo: Teamwork and a bit of FFA flaver at the same time. Maybe its just me though.
What do you mean miss? Has it been taken out recently? This is the only social I play when I am playing with a bad friend.
Well I like Halo 3 and really never get around to the game store to buy new games so I don't mind playing it. But with Cold Storage coming out I think I might stick around on maybe December.
I agree... Halo is getting old and very repetetive... I will probably play later on but for now I am done with Halo... plus my XBL gold expired.... I will try to stay kind of active in ForgeHub but without the shoutbox it feels all cold and alone... I guess this is somewhat of my official good bye for now... I hope to return later... happy forging!
I haven't played Halo for 3 or maybe 4 months. I was playing Halo non-stop though with my friends since it's been out. I mean like, I pulled several all nighters during the time of last summer and part of this winter and spring. It was like... over excessive Halo playing. Now I'm just burnt out on it and it's just no fun anymore. Also, if I ever do play all I do is play "mini games" and matches on custom maps and such. Rarely do I ever play MM anymore, and if I do it's either Lone Wolves to get my 50 or MLG cause I like it. Also, the thing I hate the most is the fact that people like to cheat... Lagswitches and lagging out on purpose is sooo annoying. I really wish no one would be able to do that. It's happened to me so many times it's just not cool. Well anyways, theirs my rant.