So, I've got this black door that I'm going to re-purpose into a beer-pong table. We've gotten the idea that we're going to make some cool designs, print them out, razor out the shapes, and spray-paint them on in red (the only color we have laying around). Problem is: we have little to no graphic design talent. This is where you guys come in. There's a lot of talent here in the forums. If anybody thinks they can make a cool design for this table, I'd like to see what you've got. Since this is a stencil, the easiest thing is to make a 2-tone picture and post it here. I'll pick out my favorites (or favorite if somebody gives me a really cool whole-table design). I believe the dimensions are 20" by 80", but you can obviously throw down something smaller. Abstract designs are preferred, but I'll be happy with anything that's stylin'. Nothing Halo themed, please. I'll post pictures of the be-forge-hub-graffiti'ed table when it gets all painted. Help me out? Thanks, guys.
Yes. It'd look something like this sweatshirt I got off G-Images... Just a 2-tone design... red spraypaint on a black table.
Nope. None. Go crazy. A little cityscape would be nice. Cool stylized faces. Abstract designs. Random cultural symbols... whatever.
You said you wanted a cityscape, so I did a quick little thing for you to cut out. If it needs any editing, do not hesitate to ask. Im more then happy to do it for you. And I can make it a lot bigger, I just dont know how big your printer is. It should look pretty cool in red spraypaint. More comin your way. Edit: If you want something like this.... EditEdit: I didnt make this, but its one of my all time favorite designs. Its from this illistration: EditEditEdit: I think thats it for tonight. If I get a chance tommorow I'll definetly make some more. For now, sleep.
Thanks, opo. Maybe something I could repeat along the borders of the table with the cityscape theme? You're the expert. Also, a little more contrast would be nice so you can see the shapes a bit better (like the light/dark building alternation in the San Francisco poster). Can't wait to see what else you folks come up with.
Are you going to have official lines on this table? Or are you just going to wing it and just have a cool design on it? I might take a crack at it if I can get a hold of Adobe Illustrator.
Cosmic you are a very smart man. I'll definetly edit it so that its a bit more repeatable, and Ill try the light dark alternation. Edit: Its very repeatable now, but the light/dark contrast still isnt great. I tried but it didn't turn out. Either way it'll create a cool pattern around the edges. Edit: Imageshack failed, one sec. I'm having difficultlys, sorry. I'll get it up in the morning.
No, just cool designs. The concept is that my roommate and I will each design our own little part of the table (I'm outsourcing, like a good American). Then whenever somebody plays on it, they can design their own little stencil and add it to the plethora. Of course, I can make it more structured if you guys can come up with some good stuff to throw down on it. EDIT/THOUGH: I'm thinking I'll use the coolest border I can get (so I'd appreciate a few short, wide designs that are repeatable across the table) and then use some random designs from you guys and my table guests as they come).
Here's a little treat for you. A celtic tree. One of my favorite symbols. Here's a link to the non-edited one.
They aren't 2 tone, but if i simplified it more i would lose some of the edges. Toronto, Seatle and Shanghai. Some of the best cities in the world.
Got bored so I thought I'd attempt to make a stencil design for you so here it is, it can be easily edited if you like some of it or if you don't like it at all its no problem.
TDH, thats awesome. I'm going to use it for a desktop, I hope you dont mind. Cosmic, can you post a picture of the door when your done, or when it has some stencils on it?
Just so anyone concerned knows, my roommate (my partner in crime on this little project) left a few weeks back for Europe and won't be back for a while still. As such, the project is on hold. It's not that I didn't like your designs. It's just that I don't wanna do anything without his approval.