This a very well-rounded map. I love the merging/interlocking. Also, could I review this map with my review crew? If so please send me a PM.
Looks very well made and the idea of the soccer ball is quite cool, You can Interloc/Geo-Merge very well and thats good talent. well done 5/5!
good map. seems like you didnt overdo it and kept the maps core essentials, without putting too much scenery. good good
Uh...this so got necro bumped, but I'm not complaining, this map is amazing, thanks for reminding me of it Captain America, though, I'm curious how people find these random maps in the abyss of the forums... Have to re-dl now...So I can get some games in on it =]
I dont think I like the soccerball. ummm... the shield door bases look great though! The interlocking and stuff is really well done. I'm going to download!
In time it will just wait you will see gun will be on the front page! You will all see My opion on this map still has not changed its still a great map. I really do like the tele doors. You were one of the first people to do this, Great job with that