looks really good, the layout is great and looks very well done good for short range and long range attacks looks fun and ill giv it a try
this is an excellent post like most have said the map looks very smooth and the action pictures are great, also im big on originality and the equipment box with the gravlift looks really cool, it would be nice to stick all your spare objects from the unlimited budget glitch canvas into one of those instead of sticking them out of the map but my favorite part is that mauler box and how you have the window geomerged into the middle of it so it looks like a little bar is holding it up, this map has some of the most original aesthetics and that plus the fact its super smooth and probably has great weapon balance for both teams (a big problem with newer members) nets you a 5/5 keep on forging
I was looking in the most recent maps and while I was going through, this one just popped out to me, I liked the title because I was a big BFMC fan and it reminded of the map Bridgetoofar. I've already played a small game on it (3v3) and let me tell you, this was pretty sick, it's very clean and organized, and I'm surprised I didn't get spawn killed alot even with how small the map is. I like the two power weapon spawns, especially the sniper tower spawn because you actually have to go out into the open to get them and it is very risky, I like how you used a grav lift to get up to the sniper spawn in the first place, it's like in the wall. What I'm trying to say is, overall, you did Swasome. 9/10 due to just not being completely perfect.
i automatically question the gameplay of any map with a shotty and a mauler in this close quarters, though the interlocking makes this map what it is and it seems like theres a small chance one team would get both shotty-type weapons. ill give you a 4.5/5 and a DL but doesnt look like itll stay on my harddrive long. nice job tho
Very nice map. Looks good for both doubles and FFA, maybe even 3v3. I like the walkways on the side with the sniper and the shotgun along with the equipment and the grav lift. 6/5 man. Looks like you put alot into it. And as far as I see, I don't see any way out.