This map features 2 two story bases. They are almost identical. They have a balcony which a turret is placed. There is a Flamethrower, Grav Hammer, and Rocket Launcher in the center. This map also features 2 ghosts, a chopper and a mongoose next to each of the bases. Weapons: Fuel Rod Gun Shotgun Battle Rifle Brute Shot Carbine All Grenades Sentinal Beam Gravity Hammer Rocket Launcher Flamethrower Plasma Rifle Plasma Pistol Sniper Rifle
This map would have potetial but once again. . . you need to make a V2 interlock everthing, maybe try geomerging some stuff. you never know what this map could turn into.
I know how to interlock things but they never turn out right. Look at the wall in the back to see what I mean.
oh. . . all you need is some practice with it and eventually you will get better at it and then you can start making some real good maps.
Thanks dude, I am working on other things like tricks to make a gate and stuff. I already made a basic gate map.
i dont like the idea of weapons just laying in the middle of the map like that, but whatever- good job
I just put them there because my friends hate maps that don't have all powerful weapons in the center.
i agree with keroro. you shouldnt put too many power weapons so close together. mabye spread them out little bit, or something of that nature. but nice job. keep practicing with interlocking. i'm not good at geomerging, in fact, i dont even know how! (pause for laughter directed towards my lacking) anyway, good job
periliousknight well thats fine but there are like 6 power weapons and if a whole team got most of the weapons they could dominate the other team. what i'm trying to say is that some power weapons are fine but 6 seems like a lot.
yeah this could really use some help send me a fr on xbox and i will help you out with interlocking geoglitching and gates and such my gt is the same as my name here
i basically agree with everyone else on things like interlocking the baes and the whole power weapons in the center. But on my own note i think it looks pretty good for no interloking from what i can see the bases look very cool. I think you should add maybe some cover in the center or something just so that if your trying to transverse between bases you have some chance of makin it acroos. thats just about it very nice job 4/5
An overview is like a picture of the whole map. But about the map, if you are going to keep all of those power weapons, then put them in hard-to-get-to places in the middle of the map. Make it a challenge to get to them.
from the one pic, i see two bases and a middle area, it looks ok move the power weapons aroun more, but i cant say anything about the whole map, i sugest adding more pics =]