This is not a double post this is just to show all the pictures I took for Longest Yard. The reason why I had to make a part 1 and 2 because of the Pic Limit. Map: Foundry Map Variant: Longest Yard Gametype: King of the Hill Gametype Variant: Xtreme Obstacle Definition: How many yards can you complete? Can you be the first one to complete this map? Xtreme Obstacle Gametype required. Creator: RatedRMeKy69 Made: July 2nd, 2008 Editor: RatedRMeKy69 Photographer: RatedRMeKy69 Map Testers: COokIe MOnstar0 DjMikeyHipz HerLuvlyLucif3r RatedRMeKy69 Rules: Must go through every part of the obstacle to officially declare you have beaten this map. If you skip through any part of the map it will not count as a completion. Boost Jumping will count as cheating but crouch jumping will not count as cheating. If you don't know the difference between crouch jumping and boost jumping I will tell you. Crouch jumping is when you jump to reach an area on a map but you need to crouch by pressing LS known as the Left Thumbstick. Boost jumping is when one or two people crouch while one or more players try to reach a certain area on a map. If you go through every part of the map without cheating and using the Xtreme Obstacle gametype. Please send me the video because I want proof that you completed the map I am keeping records on what place you finished in like 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. Also I am making records such as fastest time and slowest time. Other records to be named later. Achievement:!!! Creator's Note: As of right now if you complete "Longest Yard" you do not win anything such as Recon Armor or Recon Helmet or anything involving Recon. If you want Recon so bad just make your best ideas that come to your head and make them in Halo 3 and put them on your file share so at least you have a chance to get Recon Armor because Bungie checks everyone's file share to see what they have created. Pictures: If you pass the the Two Heavyweight Hallways of deadly destruction guarded by the guardians then come through this teleporter to reach part 5. Way to go you made it to part 5 now walk on these cautious crates and then jump. Jump so the Grav Lift can make you reach the? The double box thats right. Go through it to reach the signifying signs The signifying signs from another angle Jump your way to the balance boxes Then go through the tunnel. Jump on the devil's door then go through the other tunnel After you exit the 2nd tunnel jump on the bridge then on the walls then the Beggar's box of mercy. Another angle Jump on the window panels and doors to reach part 6!!! Keep on going because you have reached part 6 To reach part 7 you must jump on the walls, sign, and window panel to reach the walls of Jericho. Just walk and jump on the Walls of Jericho. After you on the last wall on the Walls Of Jericho jump on the door and run up them stairs then jump to reach the end. Hold on to finish you must jump on the walls and sign to reach dum dum dum dum dum dum.......... Another angle dum dum dum dum dum dum....... The finish point Special Thanks: Thank you map testers because without you guys this map wouldn't be out until next week probably. Bungie for the great maps they created because we get to play them in custom and matchmaking games and let us forge their maps to make what we can make out of the items they have given us gamers. Forgehub for letting me and others post their maps so that we can enjoy exciting Halo 3 maps. Photobucket for letting I and many other people put their Halo 3 photos on their website so that we can later put them on forgehub. Thanks to all who have downloaded the map and gametype so that they can be the 1st one or at least to beat the course so they can say I completed Longest Yard, May Forge Be With You and Have a safe Happy 4th of July this weekend. Download Longest Yard Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Xtreme Obstacle Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I am putting the titles for each picture right now
Just to clear things up, you have a link to "Extreme Obstacle" for both of the links at the bottom. I really want to try this =]
Technically, this is a double post. Don't care what you say. But, why did you post 2 anyway, did you hit a pic limit or char. limit? If not, you are an idiot. If so, you are less of an idiot, but you could have just reduced the number of pics. So: You hit a limit: I'm fine with it. You didn't wanna take up a whole page with your first post: No.
you did not need to make two whole threads, but I understand why. You could've posted a reply to the first thread, with the rest of the pics on it. That way you wouldn't have two threads, I am just saying.
i really like how everyone has to compete o see who completes the course first, you did a good job laying it out, nice job.