I think Immigration is a very serious matter in the U.S. In my opinion I am definately against Immigration of any race getting in the U.S. The Population of planet Earth is growing so quickly that we have no where to go and having less people in the U.S. is better. The United States has taken action over many years of taking down natural habitats and forests to provide more houses for the human race. Instead of Al Gore talking about Global Warming I think he should consider talking about Immigration. Al Gore lol what a silly goose. no really back on topic. A Majority of the people that are coming into the United States are from Mexico. I am not racist towards the Mexicans, and If you think I am I aren't. My best friend is mexican and my Aunt is Mexican. The difference between my friend and my Aunt is that my Aunt is an Illegal Immigrant.(No offense to her) I really do think that Immigration in America should be taken care of. Now I would like to hear your response on the topic of Immigration.
So you prefer Bush over Al Gore? So many things is wrong with not letting people come to the country too. If we have a tree here and there we would be fine but then again that would be making space for like 5 living beings and leave like 20 other living beings homeless. Overall, you can't stop the immmagration. If we do get overpopulated, the proven fact by Carlos Mencia states that they will move to Canada. Problem solved,
Short answer: First, the government needs to have a better system as too where the people in Mexico can become citizens quickly, and safer. This way they will be paying taxes and being respectable human beings, rather than *self censored) And in regards to your opposition of it, we are all humans. Why not provide better living conditions to as many people as we can via migrating to America. We're all using up space somewhere, why not use it here. And putting "Al Gore lol what a silly goose" is generally not a good idea.
Okay immigration is horrible where I live; Arizona. I am tired of walking into a movie theatre or Kohl's and being the only white person in there, where of all the mexicans are speaking spanish. I am tired of seeing spanish translations for signs where everywhere I go. I am tired of having to learn spanish because spanish speaking illegals come in to where I work and they can only speak spanish. I am tired of getting out of my car and having another mexican(s) glaring at me or my family; it makes me feel like shouting "What the **** are you looking at, puta." I am very tired of all the gangs at my school that threaten me or others. I have great examples of all I just said above and if you want me to list these examples just say so. Now I am not a racist. I am friends with my mexican co-workers. I have a great mexican friend living down my street. There is my opinion, hopefully you guys can be mature about what I said.
I was going to say something similar, but apparently, people here already don't like me, so I didn't want to make the situation worse. But that pretty much sums up what I was going to say. Swell done.
Why the heck do you care what anyone thinks about you? It is the internet, big woop. Meh, I can agree with all those things listed in the previous comment though...
there is absolutely NOTHING that the government will do about illegal immigration. Watch this video to find out why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuBo4E77ZXo&feature=related
Immigration is needed in the United States to support our economy. Immigrants are willing to do our dirty work, and I think whites in the US are too pompous to do it themselves.
Yea, if you don't like Immigration, well too bad, it's going to happen. The government is already in the midst of passing the North American Union agreement through congress and are getting it pushed through so fast it's almost impossible to stop it from happening. They've already started producing the Amero, the new form of money for America, Mexico, and Canada. I'm not sure how the transition is going to take place, but every single dollar is going to be obsolete sometime soon.
Not letting people into our country is extremely egocentric and selfish. Who are we to exclude all of those people looking for a better life? Well someone might say send them to Cananda or the UK. That only proves how selfish we would be. Some countries already hold and extreme distaste of the US, doing this would just be pouring gasoline on an already raging fire. And sure illegal immigration is bad, but compared to other things going on in our country, thats minor.
I basically only have aproblem with the illegal immigrants. Basically the ones who jumped our 10 foot fence to get over here. With the amount of drugs coming in through the illegal immigrants it is a big problem. I would just focus a more on border patrol and making it so that you have to take like a english learning class to become a citizen or something and learn about the government so that they can become honorable citizens.