Ok 1i573|\| 7|-|i5 i5 ridi(u10u5, 1337 5p33k i5 4 |\|47ur41 p4r7 0f 7|-|3 i|\|73r|\|37, i75 4|\||\|0yi|\|g 70 533 p30p13 41w4y5 7yp3 i|\| i7? y35. Bu7 7|-|3r3 w45 4 7im3 w|-|3r3 i7 w45 4w350m3, w|-|i157 i75 57i11 (001, i75 |\|07 up 70 p4r 45 i7 w45 4 f3w y34r5 4g0, 4bbr3vi47i0|\|5 4r3 fi|\|3, 0mg, brb, i75 |\|07 14zi|\|355, i75 ju57 345i3r 70 54y brb, i|\|5734d 0f 7ypi|\|g b3 rig|-|7 b4(k. I75 ju57 0|\|3 0f 7|-|053 u|\|iv3r541 (0|\|vi|\|(35 w3 u53 0|\| 7|-|3 I|\|73r|\|375. 50 GTFO
Let me translate....."ok listen this is rediculous,leet speek is a natual part of the internet,its a annoying to see people always typing in it? yes. Butt there was a time where it was awsome,whilst its stillcool, its not up to par it was a few years ago, abbreviations are fine,omg,brb,its not laziness,its just easier to say brb,instead of typing be right back . its just one of those universal convines we use on the internets. So GTFO"
seriously, l33tspeak doesnt hurt anyone. Why do you hate it so much. If you don't like it, stop playing halo and get off the internet. I don't use leetspeak a lot but it can be used in very funny ways. Take Lolcats.com for example: Epic-est win ever! and without leetspeak we would have no OMGWTFBBQ? or ROFLCOPTER. Now im a sane human being and all but what is the point of talking properly on the internet. and btw, omg is said because most people know what it means and its much quicker so... NO I WONT JOIN PALL: Personal @$$ Lickers Legion
Too ****ing true, + rep for you. If you cant stand OMG or LOL then stay the **** away from the internet in general. I'll admit I hate people using numbers and the like but why are you having a ***** because someone writes CBF in stead of Cant be ****ed. The internet us full of things you'll hate, get used to it, so will life.
pretty stupid thing to complain about. however i do have a friend IRL that will occasionally actually say "wtf" instead of what the ****... its pretty sad and it confuses me
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Ok, I hate l33tspeak soooo much. I fully support this, and I want to sign up. Make this into an actual group, and have people join.
I agree with him here. OMG, ROFL, LOL, things like that. . . what's the word, they are Acronyms? Or something like that. Leetspeak is subbing letters for numbers, like he said. Oh, and you kinda cancel out your first post by using leetspeak while complaining about it, even if it was just an example. You typed that every time you said leetspeak. Sounds like your the 12-year-old here.
I will join, make the social group or I will in a few days edit: OMG, LOL, ROFL, are not leet, just acronyms
Ok, thank you for the support. Acronyms are fine, as long as you don't say them in real life. I'm not talking about leetspeak like "roflcoptor." I'm talking intire posts in leet. I don't mind the occasional OMGWTFBBQ, because its funny. I'm talking about people who think its cool to type letters in for numbers, and vice versa.
LOL ais ok to me. The rest are just bad. You can't actually laugh on the internet and you don't want to type "Laugh Out Loud!" It is a waste of time.
well it can be annoying if that how they type ALL the time, but its not that big a deal. and of course people on the computer are being lazy. for some, thats their only chance. i too hate it when people use 3's for e's or 5's for s's or what ever, but its not that much of a problem. things like omg, lol, or rofl are harmless and you houldnt let it get to you. well, im phillip, and thats been a fail.
i bet it took this person 10 times longer to post this than it would have to type it normal, no lazyness in that post
N0 17 700K IVI3 0NLY 1 IVI1NU73 70 D0 Silly good stop being dramatic and any who supports this group 100% obviously doesnt realize that this is the internet stuff like this is going to happen.
someone need's to lock this thread, the only thing that's going to be coming out of this is stupid spam and hate comment's.