Spotlight 3.0 Made By Xkreep Gametype: Infection *I See You* Description: Human- You are a prison inmate and a friend has just set a bomb and you have escaped with other prisoners. Your goal is to kill the Spotlight guards and survive. Zombie- You are a spotlight guard you must find and kill all the escapers before it is too late. Use you sniper rifle to spot them out and find a sentinel beam to help you even more. Pictures: Spotlight 3.0 Zombie Spawn Human Spawn New Edition to Spotlight These fusion coils help i've got some kills with them. Simply shoot the pallet and then both of the fusion coils fall. Their are 5 pallet holders in this map. *Note* They spawn in 2 minutes and to not spawn at the start of the round. ENJOY! Action Pics And here I am getting sniped... If you want to download this map click Download Spotlight 3.0 Want the game variant which will go GREAT click the link below. Download I See You Thanks to Inzanethingy for helping me with a few things on this map and teaching me how to geomerge. And yes we tried it either the object was too low, way to slanted to the left or right, or just fell under the ground. And yes i know GEOMERGING CAN BE A PAIN IN THE *you know what* But thanks for teaching me inzane thingy.
Oh im sorry, i thought you meant the actual map wasnt finished yet. It looks like it could be kind of fun. But i use the term "fun" loosely. Also, i dont see any geo-merging. You must mean interlocking.
Just a warning to the people above not to double post! The map looks decent and has not much value by itself. There is little merging and geomerging that will display creativity or aesthetics. Not that this a problem seeing as the map was meant to be played with a specific gametype. The gametype itself looks interesting since the humans and infected seem to have switched roles. this isn't a problem and I guess it suits your story of prisoners escaping well. However I was wondering if the prisoners are supposed to have a chance at surviving. The guards are up high with snipers and the prisoners are stuck way below with swords. This might be fun but I can't imagine it being very fair. invisibilty evens it out a bit but once one prisoner dies there is a lot more fire power that will soon be focusing on them. I haven't downloaded this since I am in Europe and all this is merely guessing. So far I can forsee a few problems but otherwise it looks great. 8.5/10
Great job making your boundaries, it looks unescapable. However, you should probably interlock those bridges, which would make it a little smoother. It looks like a pretty good zombie map, but it probably is more of a mini game then casual. The objects on the ground look a little random, and like not much intent was put into placing them. 3.6/5, about .4 off for the interlocking, and 1 off for the items on the ground. Just by adding interlocking to the bridges will get you a 4/5 from me.
yea dont double post please do just edite and also i like the map i think that it was random at first but then relized it was a well cool map
One thing I think you should have changed about this is that instead of having the zombies able to just run around, you should have made it to where the zombies are in actual towers. But other than that its a good map.
you know for a map with no interlocking (good job) this map is really good. just one thing i am wondering why is there random floating mancannons?
Captain America - please don't double post. Just edit the previous post otherwise someone may either give you bad rep or a moderator gives you an infraction
The map doesn't look that fun, It's ok but not that great, from the pictures I see no interlocking except for the boundaries and the bottom looks like random stuff was thrown around with no thought put into it.
that is all most a copy of mine it's called scamble and there are invisable guys runing around killing people but the infected people kill them also on my file share Hubbabubbamax27
i like the fusion coils placed on the pallets in the air, it looks like fun running away from the zombie, nice job.