by far, this game rapes anyother game. Im still not done with the story but ITS SWEET. I mean come one, your with a totally messed up team CHASING GOLD. Its awesome BF BC for life. It owns COD4 campaign (even though it was awesome) and you actually get to BLOW UP WALLS IN BF BC. its a no brainer the BF BC Campaign it a beast. (i dont want arguments, i just wanted to state my OPINION)
Bioshock is definitely pretty good, but I don't know if it was the best. I'm thinking Mass Effect kind of fits that bill.
i read the title of the thread and immediately thought of bioshock, i come onto the thread and the first 2 posts r about bioshock. great game no others match up to it
I am also obsessed with exploring every nook and cranny in Oblivion (Or, on Xbox Orig, Morrowind) and I think I'm pretty close.
am i the only person who likes overlord? Controlling little demons, how can it get better. But seriously, seen as nobody likes overlord im gonna suggest Assassins creed, i just find it awesome
Do NOT! i repeat do NOT get mass effect, that game sucked. the side quest missions were retarded, you go in to save somebody's brother and every single time, they're either already dead, or have been turned into husks (zombies). It's very boring.
Don't be hatin on the Mass Effect. It has the chance of becoming game of the year. It has an excellent storyline, that makes you feel like you are watching a movie rather than playing a game. Also realize that Bioware is probably one of the best makers of RPG's ever. They aren't the normal JRPG's that we see so often, but American RPG's which are amazing. You must have not been good at it, or something, because it was excellent. I've personally done 3 play throughs and still find excitement, as I am on my 4th. ~Randle $candal