Amazing New MLG Based Map That I Made In presented by x Dark Legacy x As you can See in Image #1 There is a Higher platform for easy Sniping from the Enemies Base. Theres Great Cover for Spawning and its a great map for Doubles. Very Crowded for more than 4v4. Theres alot of cover from Sniping and the BR. Alot of hiding spots. Can glitch out of the Map. Very Straight Foward Map. Very best map ive created yet. DBG is for skill uses. Just Like MLG. working like MLG. Image #2 You will see theres Alot of effort put into the hiding basist of the maps. We are working on future Image #3- Coming Soon Image #4- Coming Soon DBG MAPS (Dark Battle Grounds Maps Architectural Predicate Structures) heres the map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
cool man but i think it looks a bit too squished for me but other than that great job thanks liamjedimasetr
Hey welcome to forgehub, your map looks nice but you did not include a link. How are we supposed to dl it?
Would be nice with a longer description, some more pics and a download link. But from what I could see this map looks pretty good! But do MLG maps have dual maulers? 4/5
No link,and no description.This isn't up to Forgehub's standards please read How To Post A Mapto see how you can fix this so it won't end up in a locked thread and so we can all see your great map!!
hey this looks like a really well made map, but it looks a bit random, but good kinda random. And yea you may need a link to the map in your file share otherwise forgehub is going to be on your back....
it looks like there are a lot of jumps, which can be good, but in most cases, doesnt make for a good map try finding a good balance between jumps and walking like in the first pic, you see you need to jump 3 times to get to a platform otherwise it is really nice to see an MLG bases map, that isnt symmetrical
Yeah, please add more than two pictures and : "Amazing New MLG Based Map That I Made In presented by x Dark Legacy x"
An MLG map needs more structure than floating objects to make it look good. The map in itself looks completely playable but the structures do make the map look better. Nice map anyway
Despite the lack of pictures, it's really a good layout and looks fun. Some of the interlocking isn't perfect but that doesn't matter that much.
seems pretty cool, but is there a description? it makes foundry seem really big. good map overall, but i'd like to see more info. ... and a DL link.
an aesymetrical MLG map, i never thought id see the day. ill download. uh i cant, theres no download link. hurry and get it on here before you start losing downloaders!
Hmm, this looks pretty nice. I see a few issues, but overall, you put together a nice map. 1. If you're making an MLG map, try looking at the custom maps in the MLG hopper. Whether you like these maps or not, they are clearly MLG standards because they're in the playlist. 2. MLG maps should always be symmetrical. There should be no reason why one team should beat another team to a key weapon other than skill or team organization. 3. I don't believe MLG allows dual Maulers. However, I don't know this to be fact. 4. As it has been said, a detailed post reflects a detailed map. How much effort you put into the post of your map tells us how much work you put into the map itself. This includes both description and pictures. Show us every angle, every corner, and every crevice. Point out Weapon locations and give a Weapon list with Spare Clip count and Spawn Times as well. 5. V2 is your friend =] I don't criticize to be a jerk. I really do like this map. Perhaps, if you ditched the MLG idea, and cleaned up your post a bit, it would make for a mighty fine map.