Well, i normaly don't care about getting - rep... but the comments i mean like cmon, dont be harsh. Some retard just put: "Completely unecessary for this forum, if you are getting tired of this game, then just keep it to yourself, as the simple concept of "halo = boring" will click in some peoples minds, maybe even some of my own personal friends, so fu & gtfo *****." mmm this is what a small minority of the forgehub community is doing. And my first ever rep was a -. The comment was "**** you" and thats it... like wtf? atleast state the reason your giving rep. Anybody else get harsh comments from idiots like these?
someone JUST said somehting about this and he got like a whole bunch of -rep because because he was "whining" and ****... i personally think that rep is just for fun and **** but i really dont like having a red bar... i get dumb crap from people who just like pulling off one of those quick things and they just give you -rep really quick. i got a -rep that said,"***** you dont know me so don't talk **** to me and just shut your mouth." i was personally really mad beacuse i was like red bar for about 2 weeks. o well i got over it