Hello Forgehub, this is my first map EVER, so go light, ok? This is a puzzle map, what you have to do is figure out how to get into the next room untill you get to the end. It sounds simple but it really isn't. Here are some pics: And Here is the link to the map. Have fun!
looks good, but i agree that more pics are needed in order to get a better feel for the map. looks good otherwise though.
Looks fun maybe more of a description, or captions explaining your pictures. But im intreugued Ill check it out.
holy crap this is hard as idk what. i got to like the room with the man cannon on a custom game and couldn't figure out how to move on from there. so then i went to forge to try and get through it and i don't know how the heck your supposed to get through half of those obstacles.
i agree with jakattak cause the pics don't show how puzziling it is but i belive you when you say it is. but just add some more pics though
Next time give more a description and more pictures to explain your map better. With some effort put into the post, it can make your map look 10x better. But other then that, looks good for a first post. Looking forward to your next posts.
Eh looks like all the other ones. Puzzles are hard to make though. 4/5 and a DL from me. (Why doesnt forgehub make a puzzle/maze section?)