Simple Mongoose/Warthog Simple Warthog (discussion thread) Simple Mongoose Gametype Hey there, forgehub! This is my second, and technically third, installment to the racing section of the forgehub forums. This map was created for all of you too lazy to do it yourself. It's not new or innovative at all. Hell, bungie should get the credit for this, not me. This map is completely non-creative, but offers some simple racing fun. It literally is a rats nest that is blocked off perfectly, and has a scoring system. No longer will the countless laps around the track be meaningless. No, they will be... POINTS! Anyway, on to the pictures. The mongoose spawn And, the ONLY noticable difference between the two maps, The Warthog spawn There's no reason to show the racetrack itself, as it is just rat's nest. So here's the changed parts: (Same on other side) The teleporters lead to the vehicle spawn. Go here if you're stranded! Now, the lap counter: Where the teleporters lead ^ Now, how about some good ol' fashioned action shots? Mayhem at start. Try just jumping down and stealing an enemie's warthog! Someone's gonna get passed.... I was right! Ok, thanks for reading. Please DL if you comment, and vice versa. No flaming. Oh, and I know this isn't original. If that's all you have to say, don't say it at all. Special thanks to testers Tung44, Carboy Ben, Brandon911 ownz, Lone demon00, lone assassin00, and lone trooper00. Simple Warthog (discussion thread) Simple Mongoose Gametype Thanks again! EDIT: Contact me for permission to use this as a canvas
I like the starting spot, so it is kinda innovative because I've never seen that on Rat's Nest. But 2/5 because my party complained it was dumb, so, keep on trying... I know you're being sarcastic though.
if its just blocked off, then there is nothing exciting or new. people have blocked it off and done even more with this. it also looks that if you get a lead and are even a moderately good driver, you will win automatically 4/10
Wow, you guys above me, are idiots. (other than the guy ONE post above.) Read the whole post, he says he knows it is not original or innovative. It's just meant to add meaning to going in a circle around Rat's Nest. Without the map, you have to keep track of laps in your head, which leads to cheating, same with the blocked off parts, you could skip through it without the map. With this, you can keep track of laps easier, and it has less honor rules. It's not meant to be complex.
He said there wasnt anything exciting or new, haha he just made a simple track around rats nest. it could probably be used as a canvas too so he did was he was trying to do so good job haha and jimbodawg nice sig
Simple, but a bit TOO simple. Could be alot smoother. Try adding more room for the drivers to start in, and add some sweat curbs to the corners.
This map doesn't look so great but it does look anti cheat. I still didn't like this map so much because it was to simple. 3/5 You did do some good forging though.
Thank you. I use it for my motto on both of my XBL GT's, GoArtekis and bulldogs10. My bio is the famous intro quote by Andrew Ryan in BioShock, right when you enter the city of Rapture. It's probably my favorite game. *** A suggestion for the map would be to add some sort of obstacle, but still keep the simple feel. Otherwise the map will still be good for casual racing, even Bungie themselves said in a Map ViDoc that you could just block of the entrances and make it a racetrack, so it's not really a bad idea.
looks like a good simple racetrack on rats nest, i like the starting points. it looks pretty fun for a simple track.
i like this one simple yet nice 9/10 i would add a down ramp off the start so you dont have so much pandomonium
But the pandemonium is half the fun! It's a good idea. It's hard because I used all the stationary objects while blocking off entrances, it would need to be made of shield doors.
I likes it and it was fun testing especially the warthog version because me and lone assasin were owning.9/10
no offense but this map needs some work, for example, the hogs and mongooses flip when falling, the track is WAY to easy to get past the baracades and its sloppy, soryy man (NOT trying to be mean!) 2/5
you said it was simple, and it is simple, very. i think it would be better (and this is just my opinion) that you have to people per vehicle, and have the vip have regerating grenades, so its hard to stick but not overpowering, and the first person to get out of the beginning wont win for sure. i think your map is better than everyone says it is though.