Map Name: Phoenix Court* Designed By: FirePhoenix229 Suggested Players: 4-8 Gametypes: Phoenix Ball*, Phoenix King*, Phoenix Slayer* Normal Phoninx Settings (all gametypes): Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword as starting weapons, infinite ammo, 90% damage resistance, 125% damage. Phoenix Ball*=Oddball, 1 points for a kill with the ball, 5 points for killing ball carrier, 1 point per sec with ball. Ball carrier has 150% movespeed and 2x overshields. Normal Phoenix settings. Phoenix King*=1 point/sec in hill, 1 point for kills, Play to 150, Normal Phoenix Settings. Phoenix Slayer*=Normal Phoenix settings. Slayer to 25. If you don't like the Custom Variant settings feel free to tweek them to you taste. This is just what my friends and I have found as the most fun. Description: Game Variant-What and Why: The map and game variants were both inspired by Griff Ball. When I played Griff Ball I would just go for kills instead of trying to plant the bomb. I felt that it was more fun to get the awards and the insane amount of kills than planting the bomb. First I made the Fhoenix Slayer* game variant. As you can see the weapons are the same and the health and damage is very similar. When my brither played Griff Ball he thought it was the most fun to see how many kills he could rack up as the ball carrier, so I came up with the oddball variant. Finally I made the Phoenix King* Variant. I made this just to see what would happen. Map Design-What and Why: After creating the variant and doing some testing I designed the map. The Phoenix Court* is a simple map. It started as an open square, only on ground level. The first problem I had was that hammers were too good. They would always win. To create space for the swords I made two shield door rooms. The hammer, Having a shorter lunge distantce has a disadvantage fighting through a shield. That wasn't enough, so I made a box in each corner with three fusion coils nearby . If a hammer is swung in the corner it is almost gaurenteed sucide. My brother found that if you swing the hammer at the perfect distance, you can launch the coils at oncoming enemies (this is quite amusing but cheap). Finally I added the two crates in the middle. From these you can crouch jump on top of the 4 outer corner boxes to counter the Fusion coil baseball, as my brother calls it. Overall this map and the game variants create fast, intense, crazy, fun gameplay. Map: Download Phoenix Court* Game Variants: Download Phoenix King* Download Phoenix Ball* Download Phoenix Slayer*
This looks very nice. Glad that you had read the guidelines and had interlocked too. Now a map like this though should go into the Mini-Games Section.
oops.. forgot about minigame section if a moderator would like me to move the thread i can. just leave a message plz then i will move it and you can delete this one
I see a potential problem. The custom power ups and the camos are within hammer jump distance from the ground. Not sure if tht's what you wanted, so I'm just informing you. Also, the oddball varient seems to place too much weight on killing the ball carrier, even for your "Phoenix-themed" games.
The power ups are in Hammer jump distance, BUT they can not be obtained because they are too far into the walls. They are there to identify Map "direction" because it looks similar from all sides.