This is a new map I made. It is made to look like a ghetto downtown neighborhood, That why it looks a little messed up. The weapons and items are placed evenly on the map. The left side of the map has two houses thats have upper levels which have a turret and a bridge that leads to a sniper tower with a warthog in between them. On the right side there is one house that has a upper level and a turret and that leads to a battle rifle tower and a fenced in shotgun area and between there is a warthog as well. In the middle of the map is ally way thats has some dumpsters for cover and rockets are in the middle of the ally way. The ally way is what separates both sides of the map. This map is great for team slayer and CTF. It is close to mid range combat but if on higher ground can be long range. best for 2-12 players. This map also has no interlocking parts. Weapons: 1x Shotgun 4x Battle Rifles 1x Carbine 1x Rockets in the middle of map 2x Snipers on both sides of Map on top of towers 1x Needlers 2x Turrets 1x Burt Shot 2x Spikers 2x Plasmas rifles 2x Plasma grades 2x SMG 2x Maulers 1x Plasma Pistol Equipment: 2x Trip Mines 1x Deployable Cover 1x Bubble Shield 1x Shield Drainer 2x Regenerate Vehicles: 2x Warthogs ................................................. Downtown ................................................... For Map: Click Here Please download before you rate and pleases rate it. Enjoy my first map for forehub, I'll have more soon.
Looks okay, but it should have some interlocking, also, could you include more pics? Edit: First postapalooza!!!!!
yep like i said on your other thread lookas pretty good, i think you need to check out the forging101 section and learn about interlocking, it would make evrything just look allot nicer, but good map judging by pics for your first map post, but next time you post a map adn something goes wrong, like what happend with your pictures in previous thread then use the edit button, it lets you changething in your original post so you dont have to make a new topic, else there would be lots of double topics. but hey it happends anyway enjoy your stay here
Looks good for your first map, and thank you for not loading your map with power weapons as most new forgehubbers do, and following the proper posting format.
If this doesn't have any interlocking, geomerging, or unlimited money glitch, find the lazy lapmakers competition, this could be an excellent entry.
Other then the no interlocking, it is very neat and good for a first post. Just check out the forging 101 section and your set.
Not too original, but I think you did a rather great job for no interlocking . This could be better if you learned some new techniques, such as interlocking. If you don't know how, click here
pretty good even without interlocking (goes to show that it's not always necessary) You could add some more to give it a 'wow-factor', though.
Seems like it's a lot of straight lines of sight and corners, kinda hard to avoid that, but you could offset the streets a bit, that would help.
I like your map, it was put together very good and i tried it on CTF with some friends and it was fun
Its made to look like that. its a run down neighborhood. And thank for the people that left good feedback