<--map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game type The day begins zombies hate the daylight so they remain hidden until night falls (forced hidden by the map and game type). During these 3 minutes you will search for weapons on equipment and return to base while day light slowly fades to night. Quickly after finding your weapons you return to the make shift fortress and prepare for the zombies to break free and attack. Night strikes and zombies break free so guard all your corners accurately for the bass is not perfect and there will be holes to get in through. Now see if you can survive the night! Human Spawn Zombie Spawn cant be spawned killed Find your weapons Day light is fading It almost night return to your base to defend Night falls zombie breaks free Defend that base Watch those holes in the walls Quick notes Flares can be thrown if you have a problem seeing Plenty of ammo just you need to find it Special thanks to adamaro23 for the idea of daylight changing
I am sorry, but these day-to-night maps have been overdone, please do not feel I am saying "OMGMFAO This thread is teh suxxorz", but a lot of people will flame this, and I don't want you to feel bad about it.
Didn't somebody already do this? From the description it sounds almost excactly the same. Please enlarge the pictures so I can see it.
Is this an I Am Legend map? I have seen a very similar map to the idea you are saying, but think there may be slight variations.
That looks good and scary, i made a map just like it but on blackout, the one thing i should say is the pictures are way too small, if there is any way of making them larger i suggest you do that
Really, no flamig or spamming yet? 'm surprised. One day after Eyeless Sid's Until Darkness map came out (which is the orginial idea starter for these kind of maps) there were at least ninteen different maps EXACTLY like this one.
I like the way how you used the screen effects. But I can not see the pics very well, so until I download, I can only give a 3/5
yeah, i dont think that ratings should be done until the maps pics are bigger, so we cant know its a 3/5 just about pics
This has been overdone way too much. It's not your fault but in order to get more downloads please try and do something very creative. Otherwise the map looks kind decent but I have seen much better ghost town infection maps -get rid of complete darkness and settle for greyish not black
ok sorry about that i put the link up im still sort of new to forge hub so im still getting the hang of things oh btw thanks for no1 really flaming this
Nah, those are only by me =) However, it doesnt seem like this guy had a similar idea, but didnt do any of the puzzles and things. Basically, "I am Legend for Dummies" =). But I highly doubt it was intended to copy the "I am Legend" map varients. I am interested on how it would play on Ghost Town...I never figured the gametype for small maps. Interesting to say the least.