New Map: DownTown

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Kingzure, Jul 2, 2008.

  1. Kingzure

    Kingzure Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a new map i made. It is made to look like a downtown neighborhood, the weapons and items are placed evenly on the map. This map is great for team slayer and CTF. It is close to mid range combat but if on higher ground can be long range. best for 2-12 players.

    The Map weapons
    4x Battle Rifles
    1x Carbine
    1x Rockets in the middle of map
    2x Snipers on both sides of Map on top of towers
    1x Needlers
    2x Trip Mines
    1x Burt Shot
    1x Deployable Coves
    2x Spikers
    1x Bubble Shield
    1x Shield Drainer
    2x Turrets
    2x Regenerate
    2x Plasmas rifles
    2x Plasma grades
    2x SMG
    2x Mulers




    For Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    #1 Kingzure, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  2. Kingzure

    Kingzure Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please enjoy the map I like it.
  3. LieutenantAshler

    Senior Member

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    Those pics need to be embedded, double posting is illegal, If I don't tell you, someone else will.
  4. macka654

    macka654 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    try embedding the pictures, download them to ur computer, sign up for photobucket or imageshack... upload them there, copy the direct link and paste it here with around it.

    Oh and don't double post, learn to use the "EDIT" button.
  5. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you need embed screenshots,and dont doublepost.
    newcomers really need to read the stickys about how to post a map right ;)

    edit: oh while i was typing this 2 others said the same, else i wouldnt repeat..

    edit again ;): vinco onmia, we wherre probably typing the same thing at the same time, when i was typing there wasnt a reply yet, like i said else i wouldnt repeat :)
    #5 Solid Bop, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  6. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, guys stop crashing on the noobs. We were all noobs at one point (some better than others *cough cough*). Only one person needs to tell them what to do.
  7. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i hate no pics =(
  8. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Welcome to forgehub! even tho your map isnt interlocked and you didnt go about posting it right, it looks pretty cool! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  9. Furry

    Furry Guest

    lol, if it were illegal, wouldn't he be arrested?

    oh yeah if this counts spam, arrest me or deduct my post, hell deduct all mine...I really don't care about post count...

    While you're at some of you will probably -rep me for this, go ahead...because that hurts me so baaaad...

    anyways, i'm not going to repeat what others have been saying...

    btw guys i think he can read the first post...dip shits...
  10. Solid Bop

    Solid Bop Ancient
    Senior Member

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    like i said in my edit in my post we probably where typing at same time, chill out man.. whats your problem. btw checked your screens and looks pretty nice for a map not interlocked and all. keep it up
    #10 Solid Bop, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  11. Kingzure

    Kingzure Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There i Did that photobucket thing, and thx for telling me didnt know
  12. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for embedding the pictures. Your map looks pretty nice, but can you tell us a little bit about how it plays, and maybe some of the weapons and/or weapon placement? Thanks, welcome to FH.
  13. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This could have easily been added into the description. You're probably going to get an infraction for it. Overall the map looks good, and I'm glad that you came back and added pictures unlike most noobs. However, never double post a map not only because you'll get an infraction, but because then you take up a slot on one of the five newest maps posted, and other people don't get as long of a time on it. So next time, be more considerate. Welcome to forge hub, your going to see a lot of crazy stuff here. Oh and another thing, you're only supposed to have the name of the map as the title for the thread. That will also get you an infraction.
    #13 ZANDER1994, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  14. killer 1251

    killer 1251 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks ok from the pics. I like how there is lot of stuff on the map though. I think the map needs some interlocking in it though.
    #14 killer 1251, Jul 2, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2008
  15. Own3dyoo

    Own3dyoo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    great job the map is very well done

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