A lot of brand new features are coming for this game, and any songs you downloaded for Rock Band will be ready to go for the sequel. Details and source here.
I've never really played rockband... but i've always wanted a shot at it... Being a Drummer my self it seemed fun from all the video's i've seen on youtube. i might buy this after i get a bigger room and a smaller bed
thats bull **** rockband 1 didnt even come out at all here in AUS... ohwell we get Guitar hero world tour, which is going to be better (silences in the drums so they stfu)
Yeah, I had to buy drum pad silencers... I kept waking random people up playing it at 3 a.m. Anyway, the one big question I had about rockband two is if your downloaded songs would transfer over, I have over 20 downloaded songs and was kind of worried. I'm glad they're thinking about people like me. BTW, I play drums on expert for the most part.