Sure, you've been there. You just want to play a game of halo, yet in the pre-game lobby you hear the shouts of 'n00b'! You log onto your facebook, myspace, or whatever networking site your on, to be greeted with 1000's of 'Omg's' and 'rofls'. On your AIM, MSN, or Yahoo messenger, when you say something funny, your friend responds with 'lol'. Even here, on forgehub, l33tspeak echo's in the vast amount of posts. Everything else here on forgehub is proffessional, so why shouldn't the english language be. l33tspeak is immature, childish, and makes you look like a raving prepubescant 12 year old marking out about justin timberlake. If you agree with me, please join P.A.L.L., or people against l33tspeaking losers. Here are some of the reasons l33tspeaking is bad: 1. Shows an extreme level of laziness. Typing 'omg' instead of 'Oh my god' is rather pathetic 2. L33tspeak is annoying. D3wd I just pwn't th053 n00b5 @ LW FTW! or you could say, I won a game of lone wolves. 3. Many L33tspeakers are prone to be 12 year old hayabusha wearing banshees, who scream veto at any chance they get. But P.A.L.L. is not a flame group. Our mission is to make l33tspeak obsolete by ignoring l33tspeak posts here on forgehub. No, I'm not saying if someone types 'lol' to dive down their throughts, I'm saying disregard map posts that contain l33tspeak, and posts that are made mostly of l33tspeak. Ending this meme won't be easy. but I am asking, comrades, to raise our standards here at forgehub. Everything here is proffessional, from map posts to ettiquite, so why shouldn't the english language be? If you wish to join P.A.L.L. Respond in this forum.
You can't believe how tempting it is to write "lol" or "zomg" right now. ... Doh. Anyways, I see how this can be annoying, but I enjoy to many aspects of leet to consider abandoning it. Talking like a sane human being has its place, talking like a spaz has its place as well. Best of luck though!
Yeah, good luck with that, as pengi said "It's the internet, get over it". oh and, ma r0lfc0pt3r G0s S0I S0I S0I
Oh and since when is "omg" leetspeak, correct me if I'm wrong but, leetspeek is substituting letters for numbers, not abbreviating. So stfu and gtfo. Source: Leet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stupid? Hardly. 1, I'll give you. this one is freedom of expression And replying to Kayaman. Sorry, I don't study the langauge of leet. Those abbreviations fall under the catagory of laziness
Yeah I hate "l33t" speak laugh out loud! I'm not sure if people will stop using abbriviations though :/.
I'll join. I don't care what anybody thinks, and I'm not going to end this with a leet message like everyone else
Every time someone types in Leetspeak, god kills ten puppies. Please, think about the puppies. I loathe leetspeak. I try not to hold anyone else to the standards of grammar and mechanics I hold myself to, but....when I see someone typing l1k3 d1s OMG ROFLTCOPTR.....I die a little inside.