Does anyone here play/used to play Guild Wars? I played it for a good 2 years until my account got bannzored and t'was lots of fun... if you like that kind of stuff. I had a Monk, Necro, and Ele. I used to play HA a lot usuing Zergway and doing AoE stuff with my ele. Fun times. You?
i played guild wars for a while.. got a level 20 derv with mixed other characters. but then i uninstalled it cause i figured i was using my xbox more. now im waiting for GW2 before i play. You seen my guild wars series thread? i made a bunch of guild wars sigs. oh and my current sig is a warrior of the stone summit
I still play GW every now and then. I have a level 20 Ranger, a level 18 Dervish, and a level 15 Warrior, but I still have not beaten any of the campaigns. I'm close on Prophecies though, =)
i bought that game for my boyfriend (ex now) and before i gave it to him i was like...hmmm, maybe ill try it too. so i signed up and everything. then i gave it to him and he's all the account number isnt working, why?? and i said i signed up and he got all but hurt. its been like 3 years i think, and he still calls me once in a while to ask what the password is or if i remember my email. its gets awkward ;] lol
Did he use the key code that was in the box? i used to play that game, i had alot of good chars that can fight but not alot of money. I cant play it now because my computer wont let me do anything but firefox and itunes.
Lol. I got all 3 :< not the newer one I kinda grew out of the whole PC thing and moved on to social gaming with people I actually know on my 360, not like PC where I only knew a few decent friends and the infamous "Online peeps". Ill Screenshot all of my characters (If I remember my login details been a long time since I even thought about that game.) But im pretty sure I remember completed all 3 games and All my characters had 15k Armour i think it was brb trying to reinstall it now to see my characters (IF i still have an account, probably gave it away)
Did anyone play PvP? I got the original GW a few weeks after it came out. Played PvE for awhile, but after a year or so started PvP. I got really good in HA... anyone remember iway, zergway, or Minion Factories? (I'm reminiscing)
Im thinking about starting to play, but should i? Would anyone like to let me have there old file, id just like to delete the characters and start over. I just dont wanna buy the game and then be dissapointed.