lol i love this video, thanks to toochie, and drawingman getting me hooked on Tenacious D, i problay watch this video a few times a week
are you kidding? i even made my own little music video thingy about em. I basically listend to beelzeboss and Lee every day.
*Orgasms* These are other good songs by em too. YouTube - Tenacious D - Cosmic shame YouTube - Wonderboy YouTube - Tenacious D - Rock Your Socks Live YouTube - Tenacious D - The Cosmic Shame Live just to name a few
Oh **** there's a bear, could you hand me that shotgun buddy also that chair... Yes, yes, yes... too many to choose a favorite. But this is one of em: YouTube - Tenacious D - Beelzeboss Edit: Oh yeah, and I love the SNL performance of The Metal, but I couldn't find it.
tooch plays guitar, plays halo, and is hot, scuse me d-man, you ****ing found a keeper drawing... anyways, the reason i came back to this thread, was to post a new video i found on youtube, by the D you go =]
Oh man, do I loooove the D. I saw them a few times; once in Austin and once in San Antonio when they opened for Weezer. I've loved them since the HBO episodes, which I like way more than the movie.