Only 1 life per round. Rounds are fast and are 2 minutes long with a 30 second sudden death. Movement is 110%. Damage Resistance is at 110%. Gravity is 150% ( heavier ). Every round, the teams spawn in front of a selection of weapons. Weapon list: All Maps: Battle Rifle ( 6 per team ) Assault Rifle ( 3 per team ) Shotgun ( 1 per team ) Sniper ( 1 per team ) Flare aka flash ( 1 per team ) Some maps: Carbine ( 3 per team ) Plasma Rifle ( 2 per team) Download here : Community : Forum Topic Listing The Maps: DE_Ghost Town I blocked off half of ghost town. CT spawn T spawn Bomb site A Bomb site B DE_Last Resort Parking Lot Wall to block out CT vision of seeing T going to bomb site B. CT spawn T spawn Bomb site B Bomb site A De_ The Pit Walls to make it harder to get to Bomb site B. T spawn CT spawn Bomb Site B DE_Rats Nest Bomb site A Bomb Site B Download maps in fileshare : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
i like the idea and all the maps look good to but you should not make us go to your fileshare to download maps. And it doesnt look like you finished the rats nest section but all in all looks like a fun game to play.
I couldn't put enough rats nest pictures on. there was like a picture restriction. I did finish it though.
this is really good i like it. i used to play CS on the original xbox . It was good times back then. Ill dl.
Looks like a good idea and you've done them well , your post is good but the only thing wrong i that you posted the link to yourfile share not the indiviudal maps. i know its annoying but its the rule after all , apart from that well done!
these are all cool maps and i would like to say that my frav is the pit one mainly cause it looks fun but i thought you hacked cause i saw the fork lift and then thought wait he hacked then realized i aint played last resort for ever
i dont usually like playing on forged maps of originals, and ive never played counter strike, but you should get your own version in foundry, bbut try not to make everydetail-it looks kinda wierd. good set of maps though.