Halidom 4 By CPV18 Halidom: A sanctuary. Description: Halidom 4 is asymmetrical map inspired by elements from The Pit and creations from the ForgeHub community. Players start in the far back corners and have many different paths available for them. There is a sniper perch on each side, along with 2 shallow caves and a fence room. Each side also has its own BR perch overlooking the side of there base. In the center of the map is a Sword room, Needler box, and Active Camo room. Many more features make this map enjoyable for many players, ranging from those hardcore MLG players to the ones who just love to look at a great map and drive a mongoose around. Forging 101: Interlocking Unlimited Budget Geo- Merging Floating Objects Supported Game-types: Team Slayer Multi - Flag Recommended Players:2-16 Weapons: 2 x Sniper – 120 Seconds 1 x Sword – 90 Seconds 2 x Plasma Rifles – 30 Seconds 6 x Carbine – 20 Seconds 1 x Needler – 60 Seconds 10 x Battle Rifle – 30 Seconds 2 x Mauler – 90 Seconds 1 x Plasma Pistol – 60 Seconds 2 x Brute Shot – 90 Seconds Grenades and Equipment 4 x Plasma – 30 Seconds 8 x Frag – 30 Seconds 1 x Power Drain – 90 Seconds 1 x Bubble Shield – 90 Seconds 1 x Active Camo – 120 Seconds Vehicles: 2 x Mongoose- Never Slideshow: Halidom 4 Map Slideshow ** Pictures of B-Side only. The map is symmetrical. Action Shots Pictures: **Check out Slideshow for more pictures. **Halidom took about 14 hours to make. This is my longest creation. Mainly because I did it in spreads of time and had this one tested multiple times. *Thanks to xX5w33ny70ddXx for helping me test in multiple time and giving me some tips. Download Halidom 4 ** Check out my other maps!
Wow nice scenery and geomerging and interlocking everything looks nicely made. Also love the symmetry. Great job! =] 4/5 though
I think you got some great talent. If you want my crew to review your maps then please PM me. Anyways, Great Job !
this is a cool map i have seen that you have done two maps and posted them very well they all have what is required
nice geo and interlocking.. the layout looks good and the weapon layout looks as it wold have some good gameplay in my taste.. a few more pics would be nice but im goin to dl and try it out.
The weapons are placed very well and make for some fun gameplay. It looks open from the pictures but it's kind of crowded and those open spots are nice to fight in. Why, thank you so much kind sir.
good map, one thing i like is when people use bridges to go sideways like on the one picture of the base. very good geomerging. and creativity. 4/5
Do you mean under the 2nd level? Those two that are stood up sideways to create a wall? I did that because rgular walls were to big and are ugly too see alot of. Thanks/