ummm..... hum ahh ummm yeah, oh i see its symetrical gotcha sry i usually look at the pics then read the description it looks alright
You really haven't looked very good, either that or you have no idea what the original foundry looks like. Seriously play it before you critisize it. You clearly are just trying to make newcomers feel bad. Remember everyone has to start somewhere. Like I said give it a download then give constructive criticism.
hmmm. I didnt mean it to come out soo harshly. I MEANT to say that it looks much like the original. For example, the rockets are in the same place, the trucks, the wall corners. Its very similar looking. I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad, and I'm sorry you think I do.
Its ok dude I didn't take it personally, I'm just saying that some others might of. I have made a symmetrical version of it so I used one side from the original and copied it to the other to make the map fair and balanced. Download and you will see it plays alot better like this. This version of the map is more of an MLG version of foundry. That is the reason it looks similar.
Just updated my fileshare with a version where the powerups are out of reach. Please download and give feedback on what I should improve on.
haha this is kool i was hoping some1 didnt steal my map.. im coming out with a foundry version 2 that is completly interlocked and clean but everything else is the same.. but this is a great idea too. good thinkin.. hope your testing goes will.
i like the idea but remember in TDF's forge retrospective he said that the regular default foundry is now considered old and not up to our standards, well this is kinda like it. and i hope uve fixed foundry's spawn system cuz it is awful
It looks like half of the map like its ment to. Its a perfectly symmetrical. Have you played the map? Give it a download and tell me what you think about the spawns. When you say a little low tech what do you mean. Its not supposed to be super flashy, Its supposed to be a symettrical version of foundry. What do you mean perfect for bungie though? I mean after all it is based on one of bungies maps...